Looking at My Options 2 (time for serious questions) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking at My Options 2 (time for serious questions)


September 16, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Jonesboro, Ar
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
Looking at My Options 2 (time for serious discussion)

I have decided against the long block discussed in the last thread. I have decided to get the heads @


Then rebuild my short block. I am looking to get the 410 cam, headers, BBK 66 mm TB, and an accel supercoil. Will probably get the 5.0 MAF and run all the exhaust myself. Luckily I do not have to worry about any emmission tests here. I will not scrimp on the small but important things either. New lifters, pushrods, rockers, and timing set. I am more than able to gasket match the intakes and debur the upper. I will find someone to port and polish the exhaust ports. The block will be rebuilt with a top of the line kit, probably a sealed power set.

I would like to know what you guys think of this set-up. Advice and opinions, as always, are what I am looking for. Thanks.

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Wow, 17 views and no one has chimed in with any comments.

Well I have been thinking, if I increase the air flow, I need to increase the fuel. Can the stock injectors, fuel pump, and ECU handle this task? Should I invest in a chip or a programmer? This is the kind of stuff I don't really know much about.

I have also decided to go with an electric fan set-up. I found another factory style trans cooler to replace the cheap 2nd cooler I have now(my ex has 2 aux coolers,1 factory and one El cheapo). 2 factory coolers with push fans mounted in front will look pretty nice, I think. A larger fan behind the radiator will do most of the work in the summer when I am running A/C. This should also free up enough space for a new intake tube and maybe a 1 hp or 2.

You didn't even give your thread more than a mere 6 hrs and you're bumping it already? Is it that time sensitive?
BTW that idealcylinderhead.com link you posted doesn't work.

My apologies, I just get a little anxious about these sort of things. As new ideas come to mind, I like to get what I am thinking out there to maybe get some input from someone who has more experience with this than I. Possibly, somebody who has done the same thing or has some tips to help lead me in the right direction. I believe the post should work now, I will try it and see for sure.

I would suggest the chip, makes it eisier to play around with your fuel till you get it just right on your X. Looking at everything else you want to do, your definetly gonna have to play with your fuel, but the chip will probably do well enough, I don't beleive you will have to change the injectors and such, but if your rebuilding the whole thing, putting that kind of time and money in to your X, Why not go ahead and install new, if not upgraded, injectors and new fuel pump?:salute:

Lots of people here have built up their 4.0's. Myself being one. Do a search for the threads I've started (there won't be too many), and you'll find my 4.0 build thread. There's also a video of the day I got it all running. Especially since you don't have to worry about smog testing, go with the 422 cam. I also strongly recommend the 95TM heads and/or SOHC pistons to raise compression.

One thing I'd like to know more about is the 5.0 MAF and larger throttle body. I've got a 5.0 MAF (not yet installed) and I plan to get a larger throttle body. I had assumed I'd need to get the whole setup on a dyno and tuned before the new MAF and throttle body were any benefit.

Has anyone tried just bolting up a 5.0 MAF without a chip or custom tune?

Thanks for the response, Bill. I have talked to a good friend of mine, he is really big into the small tuner engines. He told me that a small increase in fuel would be a great addition with the added airflow. He insisted that I find a programmable chip that can be reprogrammed via laptop. He stated that this is the best way to insure a perfect air/fuel mix with any fuel injected engine. He has offered to help out any way he can when the time comes. His 300zx is bad ass, he controls every function with his laptop. He did explain that constant use of the laptop is not required, it just offers a way to maximize power or economy as needed.

TechMan, thanks alot for the 422 cam suggestion. From what I have read, the 422 is best used for the higher end of performance. Although I know I would love the extra power, I am just looking for a little more torque in the low to mid rpm range. I have considered using the 95TM heads or SOHC pistons, but I am really not sure. What comp. would I be looking at using the 410 cam? I know that I do not want to be required to use premium gas. With 87 octane over $3/gal, a fill up is expensive enough. A 9:1 compression is probably as high as I want to go. I know the great benefits of a high compression engine but this truck is a daily driver. I drive 15 miles to work everyday and I am never in a hurry to get there. I just want a little more torque when on the trail.

I have done quite a few searches about this buildup, and have seen where alot of people have done it. I know the build is more than possible, but I would like some feedback on personal opinions of these builds. Ex. How much gain did you see from these mods? Did you experience a change in gas mileage? Did something just not work like it was suppose to? What would you do differently, if you had it to do over again?

The 422 is not as extreme as some make it seem. My Ex is used as a daily driver also. I bought my Ex with a blown engine, so I can't compare it to a stock motor. Even with the 422 cam, it's not like the motor has no torque or is difficult to drive. Even on the 20 degree mornings, I have no problem starting it up and driving within 30 seconds. As a comparison, I also have a SVT Focus which has some pretty extreme cams even in stock form. That car has to run for about 3 to 5 minutes before giving it gas or the motor just bogs down. And it has very little power until about 3k rpms. I imagine the Ex with the 422 has torque down low the same as stock. Except where the stock 4.0 starts to fade power in the upper rpms, the 422 keeps pulling harder until about 5k rpms.

With my engine setup (see my build thread for details), 31's, and 3.27 rear end, I still get about 20-24 on the interstate depending on how fast I drive. I run 93 octane which is only $3-$4 difference for a whole tank. The only thing I wish I had done is to order the delta cams rocker arm and pushrod kit with the correct length pushrods. I'll probably end up buying it in the future.

One reason I can see you needing the extra pull up top is those 3.27 gears. Mine is running 4.10's so it already pulls good throughout the rpm range. I am also only running a 30" tire. I am more interested in the low rpm torque as a little more efficient way to get and keep the tires turning at slow speeds with a little less strain on the engine. I also am completely against using premium gas. Right now, 93 is .40 higher than 87. That estimates to around $8 more for a 20 gal fillup. I currently use almost 3 tanks of gas a week. (I run around alot.) That translates to almost $100 more gas expense per month. That money is better spent elsewhere.
