Finally, high speed in the boonies | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally, high speed in the boonies


Moderator-Stock 91-94
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 9, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Vail, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT 4x4
I finally got a 'net connection faster than Dial up or tethered cell phone..

My neighbors have Wildblue Sattlite which gets them 1.5 meg down on a really good day (usually its under 1 meg) and ping times of 1.5 to 2 seconds.

We went with EVDO.. I'm still tweaking my settings but even with my tcp/ip settings not optimized and doing a speedtest on a saturday night I still got.




connected to this modem

(dead links)


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i have no upload!

I'm surprised I'm getting a decent upload speed.. From what I read spring mobile broadband users usually only get 300-400 kb/sec upload..

BTW.. to give an idea of how far away the tower is I connect to.. here is a pic I took of the tower using a 300mm zoom.







HUH again with a hardline the dl is kick ass


i gotta try the hardline

i hear that i think i am gunna say #### the wireless i only have that cause i let friends us my internet so that slows me down even more i think ill give them the boot and use it all to myself

Thats awesome how you get the net there.

Does weather affect it in any way?

I win!!! So far anyway...


But there is a comcast sever less than a mile from where I live so that's probably why the numbers are so high.

Thats awesome how you get the net there.

Does weather affect it in any way?

Not sure yet.. I just got the antenna up yesterday.. It been breezy/windy for the last couple days (made it interesting putting the antenna on the mast).

My signal strength has been pretty stable even during the wind (-69dbi).

The speed has been pretty stable too. I'll see if it picks up on Monday. When I was testing the evdo modem the speed was faster (1k dwonload) but that was during the week.. I never tested it on the weekend.


This is the free wireless internet my apartment gets. (notice testing server is 150+ miles away)



I know what you mean about no options other than dial-up. My parents still have only dial-up as an option, and it is crazy slow on the old phone lines up there.


I win on upload.
I have no idea why it says that is the ISP, it is fixed encrypted wireless across the road to fiber. Download is normally higher but there is traffic on the local network.

what WHAT! i win now, lol...


We are changing ISP's.. the EVDO connection worked well, but the speed would go from 500k/sec down to 900k/sec depending on what time of the day or what day of the week it is. 900k/sec is livable.. 500k isn't..

We are now (just installed today) RuralnetWireless, a local WISP. We are using 5.8 Ghz for that connection.. The antenna is 10+ miles away..

they leave the pipe "wide open" on install day. I just did a speed test and got this..


After tonight it should drop down to 1.5M down and 768k up.. On top of that, we get an unfiltered Static IP.

Here is the antenna mast as it looks today.. the 5.8 Ghz is the diamond antenna

I'm planning re-tasking the grid antenna from evdo (1900mhz) to cell phone repeater (top omni antenna).



mine isn't bad for being even more in the boonies than Maniak is,

(dead links)

Do I win? :D
