Calling All NEX Members. Summer Meet To Plan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Calling All NEX Members. Summer Meet To Plan

Where Should The Summer Meet Be?

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Mopar Moderator
Moderator Emeritus
January 27, 2003
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City, State
Essex Jct Vermont
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 Ram 1500
So who is still lurking out there? I know myself john and Jen has been lurking. Ike and a few others. The weather is gonna be geting better soon. So, I am going to suggest we start planning a big summer meet. I know some smaller southern and northern meets have been sugested and posted. So keep a look out for those meets also. We have not been to The Cape in a long time wheeling. That is going to be the area I suggest most. since no jamboree will be happening this year. We can only hope that most of the areas at Race Point are open. I want to shoot for a date in july for a Meet at Cape cod.


badmonkey: Brian Shingler CT
frstxplorer: Drew Loethscher CT
WitchCityMounty: Kyle Wilson MA
J1211c: Joe MA

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I'm down for that!! I got my other truck drivable again & can't wait to hit some trails w/her. I also know some non-members that would be interested in joining us on a few trips as well.
Keep me posted & I will try to check here as often as I can

Whos MIA Matt? I'm still here. I just don't post unless I have something to say. Wheeling on the Cape sounds like a good idea to replace the jamboree trip. Really wonder why that isn't happening? Read in the program at last year's Jamboree that it was supposed to move to Rutland

Whether I go or not depends on alot of factors.

1. Money, I'm saving for my summer vacation trip in early August
2. Prices of lodging at the Cape if I do go. I don't do camping, period!!
3. Whether or not my truck is in shape to drive that far. Truck is pulling a random missfire code and I don't know where to start looking for the problem. Although if I have the money to go up, I'm sure I could go up with Jen, that is if it's alright with her.
4 Gas prices. If they keep going up, there will probably be lot of people not traveling far from home this summer

Time will tell, I guess.

Hey John, did you find out who shot out your liftgate glass?

Glad to see your still around Sandy. From what I heard, they did not reserve rutland early enough. So it won't be happening in Rutland

Camping is optional of course. Maybe you can find somone to split a hotel room with you. Maybe Jen will do that again. I wanna get a early start on this. Because alot of our meets took alot of planning last year, and years prior.

Ya, sounds good with me and I want to Camp.. much cheaper than a hotel. I don't think I have anything big going on in July so I should be good. Matt most likey you can ride down with me and share the cost of Gas.

-Big D

Sandy I don't have a problem sharing a ride or a possible hotel. But I need to know of what area we might be staying in & how many people are going to be w/you so I can get a jump on this. I'm not familiar w/the Cape at all so I hafta research places.

Matt have you come up w/a possible date in July? I have a plant shut down at the end of July beginning of August for a week.

Matt have you come up w/a possible date in July? I have a plant shut down at the end of July beginning of August for a week.[/QUOTE said:
The date will depend on how much of the beach is open really. I just wanted to shoot a month out there.

Glad to see your still around Sandy. From what I heard, they did not reserve rutland early enough. So it won't be happening in Rutland

I wonder why they wanted to relocate the Jamboree from the Champlain Valley Exposition ?

They are gonna be doing on construction at the Fair Grounds. They are redoing the staduim.

I wonder why they wanted to relocate the Jamboree from the Champlain Valley Exposition ?

How about Baxter state park?

Only thing is, not everyone will be camping. Its possible. I can add a Poll with 3 Possible places to go. I can add Cape Cod, Baxter State Park & Wheeling In Vermont. I am wondering if they have any legal stock friendly trails near Baxter state park.

John do you wanan do some research on Baxter? I am going to have my friend Dan chim in also. Since hes been out there before and wanted to do a trip there.

How about Baxter state park?

I'm not MIA

I'm not MIA either... I check in fairly frequently actually. Its just that most of the posts pertain to wheeling and offroading and my explorer is more setup for street/speed so I don't really know much about the whole offroading thing or lifting a truck. Mine is actually dropped 2"

I'm willing to go to the meets just to see you guys and chat but as far as bringing my truck up a trail or on a mountain... not gonna happen :roll::D

You weren't even on the mia list... You can park your truck and ride with another member. Thats what I have done on most runs, unless it was the cape. Where I don't have a probably bringing my truck on the beach.

I'm not MIA either... I check in fairly frequently actually. Its just that most of the posts pertain to wheeling and offroading and my explorer is more setup for street/speed so I don't really know much about the whole offroading thing or lifting a truck. Mine is actually dropped 2"

I'm willing to go to the meets just to see you guys and chat but as far as bringing my truck up a trail or on a mountain... not gonna happen :roll::D

that sound slike a good idea. I'v enever gone wheeling before so riding with someone else sounds like a good way to see what its like.

Thanks for the suggestion:D

John even let me drive his explorer off road last trip. So it was fun.

that sound slike a good idea. I'v enever gone wheeling before so riding with someone else sounds like a good way to see what its like.

Thanks for the suggestion:D

I've seen tv shows and stuff related to off-roading and I've sat and said to myself " wow that looks like an expensive excuse to wanna be under the vehicle all the time replacing parts". Guys putting snorkel kits on trucks and trying to drive across bodies of water and stuff with water up to the window sills...

but then again I'm sure there are those that say the same thing about lowering a truck and forced induction. Or trying to get an explorer to 350+ HP for daily driving

I'd be scared to death of driving someone else's rig off-roading. I'd be driving it like a little old lady in a brand new Buick LOL:D

oops.. I have been wondering why I haven't been getting many updates on the forum.. I found 150+ msg in my yahoo SPAM in-box.. :confused: I must have accidentally clicked the spam button when viewing an EF msg..

Thread has been updated with a Poll on possible options.

Info On Baxter State Park:

Info On Cape Cod Wheeling On Beach:

Wheeling In Vermont will be on some Stock friendly trails. That we have visited in past years at the time of the 4 Wheel Jamboree. Here is a link to our most recent trip of wheeling. Please also note that. The 4 Wheel Jamboree is not happening this year.

I would love to attend the Cape trip, but I dont get home from over seas until early juneld probably be able to make it if the trip was in August...I dont mind camping at all and if anything I can sllep in my ploder.

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The date also does not have to be in July for the Cape. It might have to be in August. All depends on what the ranger station opens up. So I just wanna get an idea as to where people wanna go.
