Calling All NEX Members. Summer Meet To Plan | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Calling All NEX Members. Summer Meet To Plan

Where Should The Summer Meet Be?

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i just recently joined but i'd be interested in comin out.

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If we do something in June I can't go the weekend of June 6-7 (have a show booked that Saturday) & June 20-21 (have shows booked both days)
But I need to know a date cause I book shows in advance & don't wanna book a show then have a date set for the trip...
Any suggestions yet Matt or John?

I'd be interested in going as well, was looking to finially get out with you guys, this looks like the chance. I love driving, to main, VT, or the cape, anywhere in NE for me!

So whats going on for this meet? Do we know what we are doing?

With current gas prices. I can see this big summer get together not happening. Unless all of the Southern Members can still make it. Gas prices have put a big halt on alot of stuff I wanted to do this summer. It might be a minor excuse for some. But not for me. Just purely, the funds are not there for me to spend at this point. And according to the map below. Basiclly everything is closed.


With current gas prices. I can see this big summer get together not happening. Unless all of the Southern Members can still make it. Gas prices have put a big halt on alot of stuff I wanted to do this summer. It might be a minor excuse for some. But not for me. Just purely, the funds are not there for me to spend at this point.

Same here Matt, I 'm just not going to have the funds to even go up to Vermont this summer like I planned, and the biggest part is due to gas prices. It's costing me $70 a week to fill my truck, I don't even want to think what it's costing you for gas. If I remember your truck is run by diesel fuel and although I don't know how much it is a gallon up there in your area of Vermont, down here in CT the average price for diesel fuel is $5.20 a gallon

I'm still going to take my vacation away from home though, the friend my brother and I live with, his father has a lakeside cottage in the Colchester area of Connecticut, it's about 20-25 minutes away from home. I'm going to spend a week there alone with my laptop, books, some DVD's and my XBox 360

Saving for a winter trip up there is going to be easier because there are as of now, there are 7 of us going up from December 23rd to January 1st, and the cost will be less

With current gas prices. I can see this big summer get together not happening. Unless all of the Southern Members can still make it. Gas prices have put a big halt on alot of stuff I wanted to do this summer. It might be a minor excuse for some. But not for me. Just purely, the funds are not there for me to spend at this point. And according to the map below. Basiclly everything is closed.

Well I know gas is bad but like I have stated before I'm still interested in going. Even if I have to take a buddy or 2 to cut gas costs. **** I'll even bring the queen size air mattress & sleep in my truck if I gotta!!!! ;)

Was hoping to bring both trucks, but I haven't paid my back taxes on it so hence I can't register it :(

For those interested in still going def keep me informed...

Same here Matt, I 'm just not going to have the funds to even go up to Vermont this summer like I planned, and the biggest part is due to gas prices. It's costing me $70 a week to fill my truck, I don't even want to think what it's costing you for gas. If I remember your truck is run by diesel fuel and although I don't know how much it is a gallon up there in your area of Vermont, down here in CT the average price for diesel fuel is $5.20 a gallon

My truck is actually gas, thank the lord. But Gas is 4.04 a gallon. Thats the cheapest in my area. It costs me high 70's to 80s to fill my tank.


If you still able to go and pull some people together, thats cool. Be sure to keep an eye on map of the beach. There tracked record for closeing the beach is way too high.

Ok so I have plant shut down but not really plant shut down the last week of July. I have the option to take the week off as it will be like dead slow.
So if anyone's still interested in going, can do the time frame & the birds haven't taken over the beach by then, hit me up so we can arrainge something

I will be hitting Old Orchard Beach in ME July 31- August 3. So if anyone from the Northern quadrant of NEX just wants to meet up & hang I'd be down for that.


Oh darn, I am going to be out in western MA on the 1st -4th. I guess I cant come.

I will be hitting Old Orchard Beach in ME July 31- August 3. So if anyone from the Northern quadrant of NEX just wants to meet up & hang I'd be down for that.


Did you end up renting a place? I've been busy with a ton of stuff this spring/summer and will prob be unavailable for the next few weekends.. I did have time to meet up with Isaac and Matt last Wednesday when Matt was down in Concord MA for work training. We saw the new Batman movie..

Yea thanks for coming up. Too bad we all couldn't eat dinner together. Thats one pimp Focus you have though.

Did you end up renting a place? I've been busy with a ton of stuff this spring/summer and will prob be unavailable for the next few weekends.. I did have time to meet up with Isaac and Matt last Wednesday when Matt was down in Concord MA for work training. We saw the new Batman movie..

Did you end up renting a place? I've been busy with a ton of stuff this spring/summer and will prob be unavailable for the next few weekends.. I did have time to meet up with Isaac and Matt last Wednesday when Matt was down in Concord MA for work training. We saw the new Batman movie..

Yes John I was actually able to find a cottage for rent, after many no vacancies. Not too bad of a price either at $90/night for a 2 room cottage w/a kitchenette within walking distance to the beach & pier.

Matt glad to hear all seems to be well on the work front.

I promise for those who can't make it to Old Orchard Beach, I will take tons of pix ;)

Yea thanks for coming up. Too bad we all couldn't eat dinner together. Thats one pimp Focus you have though.

Nancy and I ended up eating at Chili's across from the Burlington Mall.. Too bad you couldn't make it as I was planning on buying you dinner in honor of your Birthday!

Damn. someone could have emailed me let me know i could i have been there.

Damn. someone could have emailed me let me know i could i have been there.

It was a spur of the moment last / minute kind of thing... We weren't sure we were going until 5pm.. I'd hate to plan something and them back out.. We thought about posting, but it was so last minute we would be unable to check back to see if anyone was on-board.. Plus I bought all the tickets on-line right before we left so we didn't have to wait in line, or worry about it being a sold out before everyone arrived.

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I still can't believe :confused: the amount of beach closure still going on..

