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new fenders, hood


Well-Known Member
November 21, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Everson, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Eddie Bauer Explorer
Just bought this:

It's on the truck right now, expect pics tomorrow. I still have no lights of any sort, no grille, and no front bumper on the truck, but you can tell that it's the newer body style. The fact that it's a foot wider overall makes the truck look pretty cool, too!:D

Even though I'm sure that many of you know how to do this, I'll probably right up a how-to on removing the factory fenders and fitting/drilling/installing the fiberglass units.

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I cant wait to see the pics, are you planing on buying the rear fenders too?I've seen alot of people just run the fronts.Did you paint em?


It's hard to tell how much flare these really have, but it's 6" out each side

Looking from the back, you can really start to see the '95-'01 look starting

Original plastic inner fender shows where the original flare was. Looks like I'll be modifying the metal piece toward the front of the flare, too.
explorer3zy5.jpg gaps aren't perfect, but this was the first time I've ever done this sort of thing.

Necessary trimming

Eventually, I'll be running the rears, too, but I need to save up some money, first. These buggers are expensive! Right now, all my friends call the truck "The Giant Panda" because of its 2 tone black/white paint.:rolleyes:

trim /remove those inner fender liners! Looks good, the gaps look better then some I have seen! You can oval out the holes you drilled to allow for more adjusting, also get a bunch of fender washers, then you can make your gaps almost perfect!

So do you have to get the new style head lights and grill now to finish it off?

I would go with the 98 Mercury grill/lights, my personal preference

Just need to fabricate mounts for the header panel, since I don't think it'll bolt up. I'll also need to splice in newer lights into the old light wires since the bulbs will most likely be different. It'll be about a month before I get to that. This project is slow, since I'm working with social security money (it's a school project, so it "furthers my education").

Furthers your education huh? Why don't you check out UTI! That's where I'm going. It's only a year and some.

I think a writeup would be a great idea. I don't know of one on this site, take lots of pics and write notes in your "notepad" every night you work on it to keep all of the details in check.
