Tire size with 3" McNeil front and rear fiberglass fenders | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire size with 3" McNeil front and rear fiberglass fenders

Great update. Are you on dezertrangers by any chance? Do you have any pictures or tips for the rear fiberglass install? What brand is the glass? And like others have commented, tires larger than 33" have been known to snap the stock sized spindles. Even the maxtrac lift spindles so keep that in mind. I'm looking to install rear glass and I've heard it can be tedious

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Great update. Are you on dezertrangers by any chance? Do you have any pictures or tips for the rear fiberglass install? What brand is the glass? And like others have commented, tires larger than 33" have been known to snap the stock sized spindles. Even the maxtrac lift spindles so keep that in mind. I'm looking to install rear glass and I've heard it can be tedious
Here are some pics that were taken when I was installing the McNiel Racing fiberglass and below is a link to them. The front fit good and required minimal trimming but the rear are a bit of work. I had to do a lot of trimming on the door fiberglass and the rear section but it just takes patience and for the bigger cuts I used a sabre saw and fine trimming a dremel. The pics don't show the final cut but it will give you a rough idea but eith way it's not pretty under the rear fiberglass but I was on a time crunch to get it ready for a trip to Pismo and haven't had time (or the motivation) to pull them off and clean it up. I will be cutting my stock fenders more when I am ready to build wheel tubs when I do the shocks through the floor and build a interior shock hoop. The rear door handles are a bit of a pain and since I don't ride in the back I just barely did them a few weeks ago....

Explorer Fiberglass 5-19-18.jpg
1998 Ford Explorer fiberglass fender 1st fitment 5-19-18.jpg
1998 Ford Explorer -fender fitment with tires 5-20-18.jpg
1998 Ford Explorer fiberglass door fiberglass mounted 6-30-18.jpg

So are there extensions for the door handle linkage? I like those mounting tabs, do they come in a kit? How does the fuel door mount?

So are there extensions for the door handle linkage? I like those mounting tabs, do they come in a kit? How does the fuel door mount?
The fuel door just mounts to the fiberglass the same way it did to the stock fender. I didn't extend the filler neck and do not have a problem at the gas pumps but I will need to later when I cut more of the stock fender later. You will have to drill out any holes needed to install the front and rear glass and for anything that mounts to them. The mounting hardware was just stuff I found at Lowes other than the aluminum washers and allen bolts which I bought from a local nut and bolt shop but you can also buy that stuff online. Lastly for the door handle rods that is a little trickier. I am trying to see if my son took any pics but we did weld a nut on the bottom of the driver side door rod but that was mainly to replace the stock plastic piece that fell apart. It extended it a little and after some adjusting it worked well and on the passenger side we left it alone and it seemed to reach but yesterday it started having issues, so I guess we will have a look and see what we need to do.
