coastal tech lockpick backup camera, 2007 mercury mountaineer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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coastal tech lockpick backup camera, 2007 mercury mountaineer


Well-Known Member
March 10, 2008
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The Big City of Orange City, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2019 Navigator 450hp

2007 mercury mountaineer


watching movie from ipod

view of the back up camera

night vision camera,

inside the tailgate this is the grommet for license plate lights,

this is a picture of where all the clips are located on the rear gate trim panel

i fished the headliner to the front a pilar

inside truck there is a conduit for the wiring.

going into the tail gate, tight fit grease wires before pulling!

reverse wire at driver side kick panel

nexted thing will be headrest lcd dvd monitors, does anybody have suggestions on what brand or size to get?

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Nice. But the last three pics are not showing up.

there must be something wrong with the web site, no pictures are showing up for me also, use google chrome to view web site and see pictures. I just reattached the pictures again.

It's not working.

It's not working.

weird I could see the pictures?

It's not working.

weird I could see the pictures?

Doesn't work for me in either Firefox or Chrome. Where did you upload them to?

Actually, they kind of work in Chrome. You have to right click and open in new tab.

Nice job on the install.

I posted the pictures on only because you have to pay membership on I tried three different labtops and they all showed pictures fine. let me know

I posted the pictures on only because you have to pay membership on I tried three different labtops and they all showed pictures fine. let me know

It might have something to do with people here having to be logged onto to see the pictures here. You can always upload them to (that's what I use) or other various free upload sites.

Awesome mod, and I am seeing the pictures with IE as well as Google Chrome. I am most interested in how that interfaces with the factory Nav radio, though. Does your Nav have the satellite radio? what needed to be done to feed the camera and iPod video into the unit?


Awesome mod, and I am seeing the pictures with IE as well as Google Chrome. I am most interested in how that interfaces with the factory Nav radio, though. Does your Nav have the satellite radio? what needed to be done to feed the camera and iPod video into the unit?


this web site will help you out with the mod. the radio is capable of sirus but I am not a member.

edited I added sirus and it works with out any problem

Thanks. That site doesn't seem to give many particulars on the installation, other than no trace cutting. Is it just a plug and play addition or does the radio need to be opened up?


yes the radio has to opened up and a new ribbon cable installed, and you have to tap into the reverse wire that leads to the reverse lights, that is located at the driver side kick panel.

it is not hard to install, they give you a dvd that is 10 minutes long that is very detailed along with picture instructions, my advice to you is have somebody help you hold the radio when unpluging all the wires, I had abit of trouble removing the antenna wire from the radio, i used pliers and and poped out the plastic ring holding the wire in place; the radio is heavy and bulky,

I have read that people have cracked there screen, I would guess it was because that the radio probally fell into the shifter.

So I am looking to install the plate camera. Looks ominous to wire to front. Help?

I'm looking at adding this mod. How do you like the results? Would you be able to see hitch when hooking up a trailer. Can you look behind you when driving?

I'm looking at adding this mod. How do you like the results? Would you be able to see hitch when hooking up a trailer. Can you look behind you when driving?

so far no problems and worth the expensive, you will have no problem backing into a hitch, and also you can run the back up camera at anytime even when the truck is moving foward

2007 Ford Mountaineer backup camera Coastal Lock Pick

Great instruction video from the guys at coastal lock tech lock pick.

Easy install worked for me on the first try. I did not have rear dvd entertainment, (my radio now say rear entertainment enabled but no sound comes from that input) so to hear the sound from the input of the lock pick, I had to set the radio to the Sat input. so if you do not have the sat radio you might want to talk to the guys at coastal tech to get the inputs all correct for the sound.

also there is a slight loss of picture quality now on the radio screen. but in the end it is worth it.

Thanks for posting install video. looks fairly easy. Can you describe slight loss of video.

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Vipersinus2 -

I was looking for this post since I am considering the upgrade, and I got to say - this is priceless.

Big thanks for that.
