Backup Camera Install Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Backup Camera Install Help


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December 28, 2007
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2005 XLT

I am thinking about installing a backup camera on my '05 XLT. I have a Pioneer AVIC D2 nav system already, and it has inputs for this.

My concern is two things- I don't want a noticeable camera that can be stolen. Pioneer's is large and does not mount nice in the license plate.

I have seen some that mount in your license plate- and that seems ideal. Any suggestions?

Second, I don't know how to go about the wiring. Since the hatch opens, it seems I'd have to drill a new hole and then try to get the wires up inside the small conduit that runs between the lift gate and into the back of the truck.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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I am thinking about installing a backup camera on my '05 XLT. I have a Pioneer AVIC D2 nav system already, and it has inputs for this.

My concern is two things- I don't want a noticeable camera that can be stolen. Pioneer's is large and does not mount nice in the license plate.

I have seen some that mount in your license plate- and that seems ideal. Any suggestions?

Second, I don't know how to go about the wiring. Since the hatch opens, it seems I'd have to drill a new hole and then try to get the wires up inside the small conduit that runs between the lift gate and into the back of the truck.

Any ideas? Thanks!

i have one on my 04 eddie bauer. mine is mounted in the hitch receiver. (its the same as this but mine is black anyway, i just drilled a hole next to the spare tire to run the cable into the truck. it comes up in the little storage bin in the back. wire is then run under the carpet up to the dash and into the head unit. it was actually a lot easier than i though it would be.


Hey thanks alot, that is a neat idea,a and easy setup. Of course if I ever wanted to tow a trailer and watch it- this is not the way to go.

I did not install it

Hi explorguz, no I did not install the camera yet. It is still on my list of things to do....
