00 Explorer 5.0 Exhaust manifold bolt question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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00 Explorer 5.0 Exhaust manifold bolt question


New Member
January 25, 2010
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98 Explorer XLT 4X4
Hello guys
I have a 2000 explorer 5.0 with gt40p heads and I'm looking to replace exhaust manifolds. Im having a hard time finding replacement bolts/studs that go into head. Called dealer and they want 12.00 a piece. Seems a little steep to me. Do I have any other options? I was told they are 3/8x 1" bolt and 3/8 x 1/8" bolt

My question is: What size thread is on the manifold bolt that goes into 2000 gt40p head.

Just want to know Im sure before I buy somthing less expensive.

Thanks guys for your help. Cobranski

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Hello guys
I have a 2000 explorer 5.0 with gt40p heads and I'm looking to replace exhaust manifolds. Im having a hard time finding replacement bolts/studs that go into head. Called dealer and they want 12.00 a piece. Seems a little steep to me. Do I have any other options? I was told they are 3/8x 1" bolt and 3/8 x 1/8" bolt

My question is: What size thread is on the manifold bolt that goes into 2000 gt40p head.

Just want to know Im sure before I buy somthing less expensive.

Thanks guys for your help. Cobranski
Did you ever figure out the size and threads of the STUDS/BOLTS

ARP Stainless Steel Header Bolts 400-1102
Fastener Style:Bolt

Thread Size:3/8-16 in.
Underhead Length (in):0.750 in.
Underhead Length (mm):19.00mm


I just went to the parts store and got some 1" long 3/8-16 grade 8 bolts and some lock washers. Make sure to use anti-seize on the threads.

I took a bolt out and went to lowes and went to the hardware section to find the size of it then went to the auto parts store to get some legit manifold bolts in that size.

I have a complete unused set of locking header bolts.

If anyone is interested in them just send me an email.

