02' Explorer stalled and now wont start (no sound, etc).. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02' Explorer stalled and now wont start (no sound, etc)..


September 13, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
camas, wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
Okay, a little background. 02 Ford Explorer XLT. Replaced battery a few months ago. Was out doing errands and rolled up at a stop light and truck stalled. Put it in park and tried to start and absolutely no sound, not even a clicking or any sound it is trying to turn over. Lights, radio, etc. work just fine. Thought maybe a starter but why would it stall? And if it was a fuel pump, wouldnt I at least hear a clicking sound when trying to start?

Maybe a fuse that powers the fuel pump and starter? Dunno, definately not a expert here and could definately use some help before I cart it off to a repair shop and get dinged $$$$$. Thanks in advance for any advice you may have.

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I havent changed the fuel filter in a long time. But even if not, I can understand why it would stall but do not understand why when I try to start it, the truck does not make even a peep of a sound. Dead silence. If the fuel filter or pump was bad, wouldn't I at least hear the starter trying to kick in. I find it hard to believe that the fuses for the pump and starter went out within seconds of one another, but maybe? ugh!

check to see if your ignition harness is plugged in all the way... do your accessories power up?

thanks..ill check it out

I'll check out the harness, but yes, my accessories do power up, if you mean radio, lights, phone charger, etc.

Red herrings, or...

Okay, one more possible clue

1) ever since it stalled and wouldn't crank over, the digital odometer reads "- - - - - - -". Before the problem, it would show the mileage when you turned the key (no need to start the car).

Check the ground cable from the battery to the frame. Mine was completely corroded. Accessories would come on, but the battery couldn't supply enough juice to power the starter. Same symptoms you had. Replaced the cable and connector to fix it.

Went back again and looked. Its fuse 41 that was blown. Now, wonder why it blew.


I had this same issue yesterday. I was driving and my X came to a sudden stop. All the lights were working, but when I tried to start my truck, it would not turn. I did my research here, and saw the part where the odometer was reading "----------". I then checked fuse #41, and holy crap, it was blown. I changed the fuse and my X started right up. I went home, and got under my X. There I saw that the wire from my O2 sensor was indeed burned. I fixed the wire and used a wire tie. Problem SOLVED! I just wanted to say a big THANKS for saving me tons of money!! God Bless!!

Thank u guys so much!!! I love my explorer and my wife was driving it today I had gave up I was just gonna start taking crap(starter) off and I found this sight and man it was a life saver so thanks a million guys

2002 Explore Stalled and Won't Start Solution

Thanks so much for this forum. I found this solution and it was spot on! Saved from a tow and costly repair. A couple of fuses, a tie cable, and $4 later I am back in business. Just need to monitor O2 sensor and performance. My connector was partially melted, but seems to be okay for now. But it did cause a short which caused a second fuses to blow immediately. Once I pulled the wiring away from metal, it worked.
