02 Sport driver low beam out | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 Sport driver low beam out

(Solved) 02 Sport driver low beam out

Hi, I have an 2002 Ford Explorer Sport.
The driver side low beam headlight is off, high beams work fine.
I have read and searched this forum and google.
I have read the LOM issue, I had taken out the center counsel and did not see the LOM.
I have checked fuses bot,h inside and under hood, both new and old light look fine.
Any help or location of the LOM (if it has one) would be great.

Thanks in advance

- Jacob

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Ok, this is what I have found so far, No LOM. It has remote start; http://www.ultrastarters.com/manuals/Prev.Manuals/05_08/MAN-12XX-INSTALL-U-2005.pdf
This is the link, the white wire (Parking light, Page 8) on the main box was fried as was the solder connecting the pin to the PCB, I have reworked the solder. I will rewire the white wire, test circuits, and go over the PCB with my digital microscope tomorrow.
I have taken off the multifunction switch and will take it apart to see if any contacts are worn or burnt. Any other advice will be helpful.


- Jacob

I also got a new boat this summer, re-wired the trailer, lights on the trailer work fine.
When at some boat launches, the water goes up to the rear bumper and the trailer wire connector is under water. Could this have had something to do with the driver side low beam not working?


- Jacob

Ok, so the multifunction switch looked fine, all leads tested ok with an ohm meter. Pic of the repair job on the remote start.

Considering I cannot post attachments yet, here is a link to the pictures, any future pictures will be added to the same page.

---Link Removed


- Jacob

Installed the multifunction switch last night, no change.
I will work on the white wire today.

So I have traced the issue down to a broken wire, any idea what fuse to wire the low beam to?

Problem solved, wired the low beam to fuse #38 under the hood.
