Drivers side low beam out | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drivers side low beam out

both my high beams work as well as my fogs. But my drivers side low beam is not working and all fuses check out ok. I have researched a little but andfound it might be a solder joint in the LOM, but i really dont feel like disassembling all that sutf to find out it isnt that possibly. could i just unhook the harness to the LOM module and that would show it works or not? or is that the only option?

To get your low beam working you must do either the LOM bypass or repair or replacement.
I cant guarantee that it is the LOM but I am 90% or more sure that it is.;)

i had the same exact problem 4 days ago haha. but it is deffinitely the LOM. It is located in the center console and it is on the passenger side, it is a smal computer board and it is just one of the solder connection is cracked(look very closely, it is very small), but just re solder it and plug it back in and good to go. it took me maybe 45 min to complete. not a very hard procedure.

Umm, Kfred, I know you had the same problem because I'm replying to your post about your problem.
That's sorta how this web site works. :D
