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04 explorer


March 27, 2020
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Ravenna ohio
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04 ford explorer
I have a 04 explorer it will start and idle pretty good but when u mash the gas it bogs down please any help we replaced the tbi already I'm stuck here

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I have a 04 explorer it will start and idle pretty good but when u mash the gas it bogs down please any help we replaced the tbi already I'm stuck here

Was this the reason you replaced the TB in the first place? Also, any DTC's?

Was this the reason you replaced the TB in the first place? Also, any DTC's?
This was done by the previous owner or so he said I have had it start but it had no power and only ran for about 3 minutes and hasn't started since but when it did start tried to rev the motor and would die

This was done by the previous owner or so he said I have had it start but it had no power and only ran for about 3 minutes and hasn't started since but when it did start tried to rev the motor and would die
It took forever to get it to start was told the fuel rails and injectors was new but didn't look new

Yeah it sounds to be the previous owner threw some parts at it. so if the TB or injectors have issues you should have check engine light on. Is this the case? If not I would start looking into those 2 systems. The TB is very easy to access and inspect. Double check the clamps on the hoses. Inspect the plug connected it fully in. If air is leaking between maf sensor and TB you will have issues. You should have check engine light on with this problem. If not I would check the OBD port by plugging in a scanner. Something could also be wrong along the fuel rail and injectors. Or both. Search for some schematics so u have a better idea what your look in at
