15-35% mileage increase | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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15-35% mileage increase

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Very interesting read. I shall be investigating this concept.

Thanks for posting the links.

i'll try it unless some has some really ill side effects to it. anyways my mileage sucks so i'll see how it goes

i think i might try it, even 15% increase means more than 1MPG.

Im not sure.. I like the idea and may try it. Maybe it will even clean up the intake a bit? Its kind of like were i hear use a bit of tranny fluid in old cars when you change the oil with a simple explaination "ever seen how clean the inside of a tranny is?".

I knew Aldive would like that, Quest for 40mpg is next :)

I heard of this from a friend that races Corvettes. He gets better gas mileage.
Alot of Corvette guys say it boosts your octane too. I think that part is BS but it could be true.

Sounds better then the vegtable oil one from last year, or whatever the heck it was somebody was trying to get people to stick in the gas.

a little ATF never hurt a fuel system as far as I know :)

quest for 20 would be good for me ...

410 i meant for the actual engine oil :D

Might try that this weekend. Anyone figured up exactly how much to add to a 21 gallon tank :D

BeauJ said:
Might try that this weekend. Anyone figured up exactly how much to add to a 21 gallon tank :D
How about the equivelent volume of your balls ;) I thought it said 1-3oz/10 gal of gas,,,,so 2-4oz??

It said 1 ounce per every ten gallons. But no more than 3 ounces. So I'd say put 2 ounces in a 21 gallon tank.

More interesting reading.

Acetone might not be the solvent to add. This says toluene is the best way to boost octane but the quanities are significantly different, 10%?? that would mean 2 gallons toluene/tank :eek: not 2 ounces?

So, which one is right?


Until see actualy lab results...i think changing your blinker fluid would be just about as effective :D

Albino 94LTD said:
More interesting reading.

Acetone might not be the solvent to add. This says toluene is the best way to boost octane but the quanities are significantly different, 10%?? that would mean 2 gallons toluene/tank :eek: not 2 ounces?

So, which one is right?

I'm sorry I asked the Corvette friend and he said it is Toluene that he adds for Octane boost. Also like said in the post he claims that thats how gas companies boost there grades of gasoline. And to answer the question, yes , he pours that much in, I watched him.

off-road97Xplor said:
I'm sorry I asked the Corvette friend and he said it is Toluene that he adds for Octane boost. Also like said in the post he claims that thats how gas companies boost there grades of gasoline. And to answer the question, yes , he pours that much in, I watched him.
And it really works :D So do's Xylene :eek:
But it will not make H.P

If true, I would think that Ford would place a sticker next to the gas fill that reads, "Add XXXXoz. of Acetone to Full Tank Of Fuel". If SUV makers could advertise such increases in MPG by such simple/cheap means, THEY WOULD!

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Robb said:
If true, I would think that Ford would place a sticker next to the gas fill that reads, "Add XXXXoz. of Acetone to Full Tank Of Fuel". If SUV makers could advertise such increases in MPG by such simple/cheap means, THEY WOULD!

That logic is somewhat flawed. There are confirmed means of escalating mileage that Ford does not use in its SUV flee; eg, the use of synthetic lubricants.
