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How to: 1992 Power Window Bushing Replacement

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Well-Known Member
July 4, 2001
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City, State
Germantown, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
The power windows on my 92 quit going up and down. The motor would make noise, but the window wouldn't move. There are 3 plastic bushings inside the gear drive of the power window motor that crumble. This is my step-by-step replacement with pics.

First, open the door. On my 92, it was the left rear.
(lost photos)

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Remove the 2 screws above the pull handle. I'm using an electric screwdriver to make the job go quicker.

Then pry out the face plate.

Then pry off the door panel. I used a wood chisel wrapped with duct tape.

Work your way around the sides and bottom.

Remove the door panel by lifting up and away. Unscrew the switch and move the door panel out of the way.
Remove the speaker screws.

Remove the speaker and wiring.

Remove the speaker housing.

Peel back the dust shield.

There are 3 bolts that have to be removed. There are access holes for 2 of them. The third hole has to be drilled with a 1/2 hole. There is a dimple where the 3rd hole needs to be drilled.

I used a small flathead screwdriver to remove the bolts. Your bolts may vary.

I also used a magent to get the last bolt out.

Disconnect the wiring harness to the power window motor.

And remove the motor. I had to fiddle with the motor to get it out. Push it towards the outer door panel.

You now have to remove the gear cover. Its the black part of the housing. This one was held in place with some screws. The fronts were a little different.

Remove the cover, and you'll see all the little bits and pieces of the old bushings.

Remove the metal gears by lifting up. The front windows had a c-clip that had to be removed first.

Remove the plastic gear by turning upside down and tapping. Clean up.

Clean up the housing.

Re-install the plastic gear. I put some fresh grease on it.

Now comes the tricky part. Put the 3 bushings on the metal gear, and carefully work into place. On the front units, I had to shave the bushings down a little because the fit was too tight. The bushings came from Autozone in a "Help" blister pack. About $5 or so.

Put the cover back on.

Put the motor back into place and re-install the 3 bolts.

Spray some glue on the door panel...

...and put the dust cover back in place.

Make sure you line up the holes.

Some of the fastners were stuck in the door frame. Remove these and put them in the door panel.

Awesome! Nice write up!

EXCELLENT POST. I am about to do this, and was going to muddle through based on some other good writeups, but your pictures will be a HUGE help! I nominate this for Useful Threads, and vote it 5 stars!

Re-install the speakers, window switch, and door panel. Your done and can now enjoy a frosty adult beverage knowing that you just saved a bunch of money.

The first door tood about 1.5 hours, and the second door took about 45 minutes. I also did the front units. The method was very similar, but a few details were different such as the location of the dimple and the gear housing screw and c-clip.

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Glacier991 said:
EXCELLENT POST. I am about to do this, and was going to muddle through based on some other good writeups, but your pictures will be a HUGE help! I nominate this for Useful Threads, and vote it 5 stars!
Just trying to pay back some of the excellent information I've gotten from this forum. :chug:

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