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1993 Explorer Power window problem


New Member
November 16, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Warrensville NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Ford Explorer xlt
Hi, very new to the forums and am really bad at searching forums and the photo bucket bs keeps me from viewing pictures, but on my 93 xlt the drivers window will work sometimes but get stuck half way or just at closing, i can hear the motor spinning and clicking but to get the window up and down you have to help it up and down, also my passenger side door makes the same spinning and clicking noise but will not roll up or down. Wondering if my problem is the motor bushings people have problems with or if its deeper. Both spinning and clicking happens in the front doors, the back windows work perfect.
Thanks- Paul

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Common issue where motor runs but window does nothing. There are parts in the motor gears that fail with age and use. They can be replaced with stuff you can find at the hardware store. This is a good video on the problem and solution:


Thank you very much i hope this will fix it!

Nice! Mine all have the same issue they go down and do not roll back up you can hear the motor but it does not go up. The rear ones actually fall down slightly when hitting bumps so you have to push them up all the time. I am assuming this is probably the same issue?!!!

Same issue here, repaired it like in the video. Thanks!

Id check the notor bushings first. Another issue is the one where my glass let go on one of the clips. Eventually it let go on both sides. Thats one of my "todos" on my 93 sport.

Id check the notor bushings first. Another issue is the one where my glass let go on one of the clips. Eventually it let go on both sides. Thats one of my "todos" on my 93 sport.

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