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Power window problem


Well-Known Member
August 2, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Kailua, Hi
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I just developed a problem with my drivers side window. I got in the truck to come home, pushed the down button, and the window went down about a 1/2" and then started making a clicking noise. It will only go up and down with help now. I pulled the door panel off, and everything that is visible seems to be ok, I think the motor may have stripped some teeth. Anyone have any ideas or have run into this problem? I never had any problems with it previously, so I don't think it's the actuator.

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Here ya go....Window Fix

I did all 4 on my explorer for CHEAP!!!!! If one has gone the rest will soon follow so set aside an afternoon and have fun! :D

hmmm one of my windows shakes when it goes up or down...

i wonder if its the window fix cable guy linked to would fix that too...

eh i'll wait till it stops working altogether...

Question on this....

3 of my windows are just slow to go down & up. They don't get stuck, & they don't click or make noises. They will open & close. Just slow. Is my case just weak window motors? Or would the new bushings fix my windows?

same prob.

my car JUST started doing the same thing today... mine is my pasenger side window... it wouldnt go up w/ out help then this afternoon my rear passenger side started to do it too... i was p*ssed! i wasnt sure if it was the motor or teeth or what... does anyone know the cause? do we have to replace motors or something? thanks,
