1996 Explorer XLT over 300,000 miles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1996 Explorer XLT over 300,000 miles

JP luppie

New Member
December 12, 2007
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Tampa FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ford Explorer XLT
I was wondering how many of these trucks last this long?
I have a 1996 Explorer XLT with about 340,000 miles. I have
not had anything major a couple of Radators 1 fuel pump and the A/C.
Thats about it. How many others with this kind of milage are out there.
I am about to upgrade to an Expedition and hope to get the same kind of luck.

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Holy crap, that's good on the stock engine and tranny. Are you sure you haven't done anything else? Plenty of people here have that kind of mileage on their motors, I'm not sure if any transmissions have made it that far though.

Welcome to the forum. On our 92 we had 220,000 miles on the original motor and transmission when we let go of it, all street miles, and hardly a problem. With good care they will run forever.

Wow have you had it through all those miles?

Im sitting at 328 or 330000 right now not sure.

welcome jp

wow...I only have 140k on my 98'

Welcome To The Forum! Good to see a stock motor with them kinda miles :) I'm too wondering if thats the stock tranny. I know our 96 has close to 130k with stock tranny but that isn't many miles on the tranny.

That's awesome! I've got about 185K on Snowball, and she's all original. I have a new rad in the garage, but haven't put it in yet, I have a very slow seep-leak if it gets really cold for about 2 minutes upon startup. Most of the battle is preventative maintenance...

I've actually seen f-150s with the 4r70w trans get to 285000 and even 330000 without a rebuild.
pretty bullet proof auto trans

my drivetrain has just turned 170000 and it shifts pretty well with a tight engine

On my Service Van I have 340,000 miles on the Engine and Transmission. 4.6L
I do keep it up myself. I figured I have done over 60 oil changes to it.

Welcome. My wife had a 99 Explorer Sport we bought new that had 280K miles on it when we sold it.
