1998 Explorer 5.0 “Restoration2021” project | Page 44 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Explorer 5.0 “Restoration2021” project

@SuperGordo How did the drivetrain "stabbing" go? My engine hoist is so old that I don't know if I could trust it to hold on long enough to put in the engine and transmission together. Yours is probably newer.

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Getting closer to install.

/\ Score ....prices at junkyards here in Calif shot way up...that would be like $30 here nowadays. A few years back when they were still very reasonable I got a spare dash bezel for $10 being my external (window suction) GPS for my Jeep kept coming loose and falling down.... so screwed it into bezel permanently. Got this as spare in case I wanted do other setup with GPS and go back to flawless (no-screw hole) bezel back in place.

/\ Score ....prices at junkyards here in Calif shot way up...that would be like $30 here nowadays. A few years back when they were still very reasonable I got a spare dash bezel for $10 being my external (window suction) GPS for my Jeep kept coming loose and falling down.... so screwed it into bezel permanently. Got this as spare in case I wanted do other setup with GPS and go back to flawless (no-screw hole) bezel back in place. View attachment 452282
havent been to LKQ since '22!

havent been to LKQ since '22!
If you should HAVE to go ...make sure you are well funded!....it's now $5.00 just to walk in and muddle around in the grease and grime. ...and they try to sneak in 30 day "insurance" to your purchase without asking.

/\ Score ....prices at junkyards here in Calif shot way up...that would be like $30 here nowadays. A few years back when they were still very reasonable I got a spare dash bezel for $10 being my external (window suction) GPS for my Jeep kept coming loose and falling down.... so screwed it into bezel permanently. Got this as spare in case I wanted do other setup with GPS and go back to flawless (no-screw hole) bezel back in place. View attachment 452282
I actually got the entire HVAC box for $10. When I realized only the outer piece was cracked I only replaced that. I'll keep the other piece for a spare.

If you should HAVE to go ...make sure you are well funded!....it's now $5.00 just to walk in and muddle around in the grease and grime. ...and they try to sneak in 30 day "insurance" to your purchase without asking.
Luckily we are still $1 entry fee. And yes they all try to sell the "warranty"... sigh

If you should HAVE to go ...make sure you are well funded!....it's now $5.00 just to walk in and muddle around in the grease and grime. ...and they try to sneak in 30 day "insurance" to your purchase without asking.
Good to know. I'll keep that in mind!

Warranty??? Oh brother

Sweet! Nice going!

Got under there today. Got the trans dipstick tube in, the little heatshield on the trans, the trans wiring harness, all the little brackets and the engine wiring harness laid down. Should be able to the the trans crossmember and driveshaft in tomorrow.

Could someone post pictures of the spark plug wire ends on a 5.0 with cast manifolds? As stated before, i switched from the tubular manifolds to the cast.

I bought a nice set of Motorcraft spark plug wires for the tubular manifolds when I first did this. The replacement engine came with some of the plug wires on it with the cast manifolds. I'm hoping to not spend $100 on a new set of wires. I put heat resistant boots on the current ones when I got it running in 2021. I figure I can steal the metal heat shields off the wires that were on the engine and use those along with the heat resistant boots to make due to get the EX running again. Hopefully it will work out. If I need new wires maybe I can push the expense down the road a little bit.

I recently got
Motor craft wires on rockauto I think they were $65 shipped not terrible!

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Motorcraft for cast manifolds currently are $81. However they had Standard Motor Pro series on close out for $19. So I went for that. About $30 shipped.
So I'll have a nice set of Motorcraft Tubular manifold wires sitting around.
