2000 Explorer power seat bracket broken | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 Explorer power seat bracket broken


January 12, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
I'm hoping someone can help me out with this problem I'm having with my 2000 driver's seat. It's the standard stock cloth power seat.


I'm not quite sure what to call it - but the bracket circled is supposed to fit over the bar. It's come off a couple times now. After the first time, I basically grabbed it and managed to get it back in place and it held for a month or two, but it's come back off twice now in the last week and it looks like I may need a more permanent fix. I can't tell from looking at it if something is broken (doesn't seem to be) or if the bracket itself is slightly bent or something.

Anybody have any suggestions? Or at minimum, what do I call this thing if I want to call around looking for someone to fix it for me?


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I have the exact same problem. It appears on mine that the bar actually sheared off. If nobody know where to get an after market bar, the next best area is a salvage yard. (hate the term junkyard).

Any chance someone could supply a picture of what it's supposed to look like???


Can you weld something over the end to hold it in place?? Hard to tell from the pic...

Maybe drill/tap the end and put a screw/washer combo on the end?
