2000 Ford Explorer XLT 4.0 SOHC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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August 9, 2021
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Cookeville, Tennessee
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2000 Ford Explorer XLT
Thanks for welcoming me to the group! This site has been very helpful to me over the years! I currently have a few questions I need some answers for.. First off I’m needing torque specifications on everything I’m listing below and any tips to go along with it will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance as well.

1. Replacing drivers side axle, AWD/4x4..
2. Replacing front shocks..
3. Replacing sway bar and rubber mounts..
4. Replacing sway bar links..

Also there is adjustments located on both sides of the frame and I’m not sure how they are supposed to be set.. I seen a thread saying to use a ruler to make sure everything is level from the ground.. What is the purpose of these adjustment bolts located through the frame as well? Once again, any help is appreciated and thank you in advance!

Sincerely, Wilmoth.

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Welcome to this forum! Some things require a torque wrench such as tightening iron bolts into an aluminum thread so that it doesn't get stripped. Other things aren't critical if you use basic 3/8" drive hand ratchets since you're not applying a lot of torque. Impact hammers could apply a lot of torque in a brief burst. This could throw off the alignment.

Better than the Haynes/chilton, do a search on here for the factory service manual PDF. FAR more comprehensive, and free.

I’ve found the chilton/whatever lacks many torque specs.

Better than the Haynes/chilton, do a search on here for the factory service manual PDF. FAR more comprehensive, and free.

I’ve found the chilton/whatever lacks many torque specs.
Is it possible, to PM me a link to where you got the Factory Service Manual. Shall I assume it is specific to the model and year, or is it one that covers an entire line of Explorers/other Fords? I've been looking since March, and have only come across spam sites and owners manuals. I'm hoping to tackle various small repairs on my Ex but lack the info. I'm desperate for good info as I'm not a skilled mechanic by any means...
