2001 Explorer Limited larger tires stock rims | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 Explorer Limited larger tires stock rims

:salute: Hi I have a 2001 Explorer Limited V8 AWD. I have the stock 255/70/16 tires. I want to go larger with no lift. Would I be better off going with a 265/70/16 or 265/75/16? -(which I want) Or will the 75's rub? Please give me some idea what size I should go with using the stock 16" 5 star rim. Thank You Very Much for all the help. Brandon :usa:

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Stock tire is 255/70/16, 30" tall. Check again your diameter, do you have these 99-01 Limited wheels?


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I was going to say, I'm fairly sure they are not 17's. I never saw a second gen on 17's stock.

With a TT and Shackles or AAL, the 75's should fit, but with the limited flares, you may have to trim to keep them from rubbing. I'd almost say go with the 70's, but the tires will be harder to find in stock if you ever have a need to replace a tire on down the line.

They are either not stock or they are the 16's I have.

Thank You

They are either not stock or they are the 16's I have.

Thank You for correcting me. They are 17" rims. What tire size would you go with. Do you think that the 265/75/16 will fit? or rub with the flares and running boards? I really appreciate your all of your help.....

Thank You

They are either not stock or they are the 16's I have.

Thank You for correcting me. They are 16" rims. What tire size would you go with. Do you think that the 265/75/16 will fit? or rub with the flares and running boards? I really appreciate your all of your help.....

265/75 will rub...get some 265/70...you might have to trim a tad bit with those but they should work out...a little cutting doesnt hurt:D

The change from 70 to 75 series adds one inch of diameter.
The change from 255 to 265 width adds 1/2" of diameter. I don't know the max diameter you can go to, but I think that I've heard that at least 31" tires will fit easily. Add to the width if you can, the shorter series tires handle better. Good luck,
