2002 in-dash size? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 in-dash size?


New Member
May 16, 2002
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City, State
St. Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Sport
I'm trying to identify what size of the factory stereo slot in a 2002 explorer. It's definitely bigger than a DIN. Is it a Double-DIN or DIN 1/2?

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Double Din

Definately a Double Din opening.

Thanks for the feedback. I noticed that you have a wood dash kit. What's that about? Is that to make the dash panels like an Eddie Bauer? Where'd you get it? Also did you tint the glass to match the rear privacy glass or was that a tint on top of everything?

Wood dash kit

Yes, the dash kit installs over your dash. I ordered it from www.exoticwooddash.com Medium Burlwood (real wood). Kit consists of 21 pieces at a cost of $380.00. Turned out extremely nice and really adds to the luxury feel of my X. Just wish I had a digital cam so I could show you guys. If you click on the site and lookup dashkit for 2002 X you will see what my X looks like.....exactly! Really makes the X look nice! As for the Window Tint....I had all the windows tinted......right over the factory tint. This turned out real nice too! No bubbles or creases......looks excellent.
