2002+ Offroading Photos Wanted | Page 18 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002+ Offroading Photos Wanted

Like the title says went off road at Weir we had a little fun 135 truck came lol small groupe some pics,





some pics from inside my X lol.



and a little video.




well 3 vehicles never made it out 1 Jeep 1 Toy and 1 ford ranger ouch may they rest in peace lol.

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Miller and Bigone both of yalls are truck are badass. I wish i can get something like that.

Nice off road pics, and icecube498 your picture looks like good photography for the truck lover.

Hey dreamcar, was just wondering if that trail in calverton is easy to get to, because im out on the island a lot and am looking for a good place to off road.

Since I don't have any one to go off-roading with...I have to take the pictures on the trail after I hit the mud pits.

Like the title says went off road at Weir we had a little fun 135 truck came lol small groupe some pics,

well 3 vehicles never made it out 1 Jeep 1 Toy and 1 ford ranger ouch may they rest in peace lol.

Was it the red FX4 level 2 ranger that never made it out?

Since I don't have any one to go off-roading with...I have to take the pictures on the trail after I hit the mud pits.

Come out to Colorado. I'll show you all the cool spots, plus I might even snap a few pics!! haha

Great pictures, you always post some good action pics. One of my fav 3rd gens on the forum.

Thank you Glen4x4 a little vid from last week it was rainning all day thank you to my wife for taping it lol she is the camera person!
Small vid I pull a toy 4 runner up hill he flips it one jeep starts going sideways down a hill and 2 more jeeps can't keep up with me going up sand dune roflmao.


Thank you Glen4x4 a little vid from last week it was rainning all day thank you to my wife for taping it lol she is the camera person!
Small vid I pull a toy 4 runner up hill he flips it one jeep starts going sideways down a hill and 2 more jeeps can't keep up with me going up sand dune roflmao.


Awesome video. Its quite Ironic with the events that happened to that toyota. Your X does great at off-roading.

The vid was great, funny seeing the ex have to pull the Yota up the hill and show'em how to do it. Was everyone afraid to try pullin him with their heeps?

Ya the heeps just didn't have the gearing or power lol.;) Just like on that sand dune after we stop for the red one that was sliding sideways. I got going no problem, they had to turn and go up the easy way.:rolleyes:

i wanna go play on the trails behind the Philly Airport now lol... may have to take a trip after work ?

Not nearly as good as some of the other pics, but I took the X out this morning for the hell of it for a photoshoot. lol





YOU GOT YOUR X LIFTED!!!!! :thumbsup: It looks awesome! And great pics.

areyou even able to drive on the lil dirt patch behind the philly airport? for one its tiny for 2 i hear they ***** to much since 9/11

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YOU GOT YOUR X LIFTED!!!!! :thumbsup: It looks awesome! And great pics.

Haha yeah :D and thanks, I'm a bit of a nut when it comes to taking photos of my vehicles, some call me crazy, but it's something I enjoy doing haha, they all gotta have some beauty shots ;p
