2002 XLT 4.0 4WD 4D - Part out or salvage or ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 XLT 4.0 4WD 4D - Part out or salvage or ?


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January 23, 2016
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Nicholasville KY
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2002 Explorer XLTNicholas
Hi all,

I am sorry this is my first post but I've been reading a lot over the last couple of months to learn more about a new (to me) Explorer.

I acquired a 2002 4.0 4WD 4D Explorer with 290k miles recently. It was very clean and ran well. It had a few minor issues but a very good daily driver.

I was in an accident and the front driver's side was hit hard. The air bags didn't deploy but the fender, hood, and door are toast. The problem is the door hinge / A-pillar area was the key impact so it bent causing the window to crack.

I paid $1800 for it so I'm sure the body repair is way more than it's worth. I wouldn't put full coverage on an old vehicle so with liability then insurance isn't involved. I am curious of the member's experiences of selling a vehicle in this condition.

The title is clean. It runs and drives OK. Great interior (cloth) and body panels other than those mentioned above.

There are so many Explorers in salvage yards then I wonder if it's worth try to part it out or sell it for scrap. I can part it out but I don't want to have a bunch of parts that are impossible to ship.



Nicholasville, KY

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How handy are you with a welder and cutting torch? You could turn it into a mean rig if the important things are still in tact (motor/tranny/frame/etc). Is there any other structural damage or damage inside the motor bay? Is it just cosmetic stuff and body work or what? Just trying to gauge if it is with trying to save. Chop the top and to a cage and a little body work and you could be good to go.

Or just part it out.

Pictures of the damage would be helpful too.


I have no intention or either restoring it to a street vehicle or scrapping it. I'm not looking for a project just opinions on if it's worth the time to pull as many parts as I can versus selling to a scrap yard for $300?


Depends on what your time is worth to you. $300 to a yard, probably get $500 on craigslist as it sits or strip it for every last dime you could get out of it playing lets make a deal.

Hi all,

I am sorry this is my first post but I've been reading a lot over the last couple of months to learn more about a new (to me) Explorer.

I acquired a 2002 4.0 4WD 4D Explorer with 290k miles recently. It was very clean and ran well. It had a few minor issues but a very good daily driver.

I was in an accident and the front driver's side was hit hard. The air bags didn't deploy but the fender, hood, and door are toast. The problem is the door hinge / A-pillar area was the key impact so it bent causing the window to crack.

I paid $1800 for it so I'm sure the body repair is way more than it's worth. I wouldn't put full coverage on an old vehicle so with liability then insurance isn't involved. I am curious of the member's experiences of selling a vehicle in this condition.

The title is clean. It runs and drives OK. Great interior (cloth) and body panels other than those mentioned above.

There are so many Explorers in salvage yards then I wonder if it's worth try to part it out or sell it for scrap. I can part it out but I don't want to have a bunch of parts that are impossible to ship.



Nicholasville, KY

If you are parting it out I would be interested in the steering wheel controls, I'm looking for the ones with the ac and radio controls on them if you have them I would be interested!

Marshall, it's an '02 with a high mileage 4.0.

The brutal truth is that it has no value. Your best bet is turning it in to a recycler for about $300.

The engine and tranny with such high mileage has no value. Like you said, the wrecking yards are full of 2002, so is the resale market.

Don't waste your time.

What did you end up doing with your explorer? I would be interested in buying the engine or the whole car if you part it out. I have a 2004 explorer no accidents with a bad engine.

What did you end up doing with your explorer? I would be interested in buying the engine or the whole car if you part it out. I have a 2004 explorer no accidents with a bad engine.

Get a newer lower miles engine.

Where did you get your engine and how much? I need one!
