2003 explorer limited 4.6 pcm diagram? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 explorer limited 4.6 pcm diagram?


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September 21, 2016
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2003 explorer limited 4.6
Hey guys first post. I'm getting pretty mechanically inclined and I've been tackling this 03 explorer limited I got for a steal. She's throwing an egr code which I'll be wanting to look at in the future but right now I'm working on a p0354 code. At first, before I had noid lights I replaced all 8 plugs and the coil on cylinder 4 hoping to have cured it with no luck. I just got a set of noid lights and tested a few good cylinders and got good pulse on coil connector but on cylinder 4 i got nothing. So I was wondering if anybody on here could get my specific vehicle pcm pin layout so I can test continuity on cylinder 4 coil wires? I'm guessing that's where I should be looking? I'd rather not tear the whole wiring harness apart looking for a short until I'm sure that's the problem. Although I suspect it is. Thanks!

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Check for frayed wires from coil back!!! Same exact problem on mine when I bought her for $1100. Chased fuel injectors new coils plugs etc and was wiring. Runs like a top 232k miles now.

Mine was actually cylinder 4 or 8 as well. In the back

1 pin 31 LG/WH
2 pin 1 PK/WH
3 pin 23 WH/PK
4 pin 30 DG/VT
5 pin 22 LG/YE
6 pin 12 OG/YE
7 pin 13 PK/LB
8 pin 38 WH/RD

The pcm grounds each coil so key on should show voltage on pin one of all coils which goes through two capacitors one on each bank. The other pin is the control side to the pcm. If all have voltage, there is a control issue. Or a bad coil but if you swap that cyl with a known good coil then it would be control issue.
