2004 XLT 4.0L SOHC Maintenance Manual | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2004 XLT 4.0L SOHC Maintenance Manual


January 30, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Caracas, DF
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLT 6V 4.0L SHOC
Hi guys. I just bought a XLT 2004 one month ago. First impresion: Kick ass very well (considering it is a V6...!!! kick really hard, i also have a Chevy 74 with small block V8, 350 c.i.).

Truck only have 19K Miles !!!! ( First Owner also has an EB 2007, an EB 2006 and now an Expedition 2008 (Big Monster)).

Truck is very smooth and responsive. I would like Ford´s V8, but.......: a XLT with only 19K Miles ????, i could not miss it.

I would like some help. I need Maintenance Manual for my baby.

I found 2nd generation manual (complete), but 3er generation manual is a hard work...!!!

Can somebody help me ?...

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for my poor english.....!!

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Found my factory set on ebay. There is one guy who sells them just have to keep watching. Dont waste time with it on disk. Its a pain Get paper.

Thanks guys!!!. I will check it and comment later.

Get paper-they come in two books, ones electrical other is for everthing else. Both are very helpful.
