2006 door pulls | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 door pulls

D Hook

Elite Explorer
October 10, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Omaha, NE
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 Explorer Limited V-8
Is there any option out there, short of changing to '07 door panels? The door pulls are so awful. Too close to the hinge to get much leverage. Always worried the door will get caught by the wind and no good way to hold onto it so it doesn't smack another car in a parking lot.


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i did not know that the doors were different from 06 to 07...just looked at panels on ebay and 06-10 are the exact same design? I wish there was a way to change the 07 because most of the interior design looks like it was thought up by a 5 year old girl.... I cant stand how the doors open on my 2007 would be so much better like how the 05 and down were... and for that matter like how all other cars and trucks are....

I think they changed the door pull in '08. My mistake. /06 and '07 has the door pull below the opening handle/window controls as a separate piece. '08 has the door pull changed to an inserted cup in the arm rest on the door panel. You know, like SANE designers do!

Pictures of '06 and then '08


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oh.... i see you are calling the bar under the arm rest the door pull.... and I am calling the chrome door pull the door pull.... yes that bar is useless and I dont even notice it even being there because the armrest has a spot to close the door

On the '06 that's the only thing to pull on to close the door. Nothing on the arm rest.

Thank you so much for posting this. I never knew they changed the design. I went from a 2009 Edge, which has the "pullers" molded into the arm rest area like the 08 door panel. I have an 06 with the puller under the handle and I HATE IT! I have almost lost control of the door from wind so many times trying to lean up and reach that stupid design of a handle.
