2006 XLT Stalls | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2006 XLT Stalls


New Member
January 27, 2008
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City, State
Honolulu, Hawaii
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 XLT
Help needed, I've been having problems with my 06 XLT 4.0 stalling. It using dies when coming to a stop or not accelerating. I took it to the dealer three times and they can't find any problems. Flashed the computer, but it still stalls. I have about 27,000 miles on the vehicle and it is stalling about once a week. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

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Does it happen shortly after a cold start? There's a flash that helps this. Have the dealer update it.

2006 xlt

It usually happens after 30 minutes of driving, never on a cold start.

I'm just starting to have a similar problem with an '06 XLT. In this case, it is VERY hard to start immediately after filling up with gas. It also has a tendency to want to die shortly after starting it just after filling up or on a cold morning. This just started happening in the last couople of weeks. I'm thinking about changing the gas cap to see if that is the problem.

You could try to clean the Idle Control Valve ?

Thanks for the idea. I hadn't considered that. I did have a problem about 7 years ago with a '99 Explorer that was corrected by replacing the Idle Valve Control Motor. I should be able to at least try cleaning the valve and see what happens. I found it interesting that it always happens immediately after gassing up. It's as if there is some kind of block caused by gassing up like there's a lot of trash in the tank and it gets stirred up and plugs the fuel pump or something but that wouldn't make sense because continuing to crank would just draw more up to the pick up screen rather than causing it to fall away.

I'm just starting to have a similar problem with an '06 XLT. In this case, it is VERY hard to start immediately after filling up with gas. It also has a tendency to want to die shortly after starting it just after filling up or on a cold morning. This just started happening in the last couople of weeks. I'm thinking about changing the gas cap to see if that is the problem.

Not storing any codes?

When you turn on the key you should hear 5 second whirring sound from the electric fuel pump in the tank. Listen when you start it next time. Then next time it fails to start, pay attention if you can hear the fuel pump when you turn on the key.

My bet is that your fuel pump is starting to go bad.

Help needed, I've been having problems with my 06 XLT 4.0 stalling. It using dies when coming to a stop or not accelerating. I took it to the dealer three times and they can't find any problems. Flashed the computer, but it still stalls. I have about 27,000 miles on the vehicle and it is stalling about once a week. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Idle air control valve is a common cause of this symptom.

I have a little more info. When I got home this afternoon, I left the motor running and popped the gas cap. As soon as I opened it, there was a release of some pressure (normal) and the motor died. I wonder if this means that the low pressure fuel pump is starting to go out and it needs help from the normal pressure in the tank to get fuel moving through the line to the High Pressure fuel pump?

I did check codes last weekend and the only codes of concern were that both bank were running rich. I cleared the codes and they have not yet returned.

I have a problem with my 06 Explorer. Engine light on and it takes for ever to fill up.

I have a similar problem with my 2008, did cleaning the IAC help? and what product did you use for cleaning it?????

I am a complete explorer noob, so please spare no details :)

I have something of the same thing, Start my X and RPM needle goes up and down then (cold start and warm start) after 5 mins its normal at Idle. But after I drive for 10 mins it goes up and down after stopping. cleaned Idle control valve, still doing the same thing. Could it be a vaccum leak? would this cause my Engine lite to be on?, replaced my gas cap, check the rubber gas hoses to tank, check to see it any pin holes in metal gas tank neck under rear left wheel well. ALL good , I'm spoofed??? Cheers

Ah wait a min I just reliazed of the ICV requires a Gasket and when I took it off today thier was no gasket , Could this be the problem? sucking in extra air ? bad mixture?
