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2007 Superduty

'97 V8

Explorer Addict
April 2, 2005
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ft. knox ky
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 mounty 5.0 4x4 baby!!

We've seen butchered test mules of the 2007 Ford Super Duty before; now take a look at the final product in our latest spy photos. It's not quite the Super Chief concept brought to life, but this new heavy-duty Ford truck does have a few changes up front which make it look like the concept truck shown in Detroit earlier this year.

Compared to the current model, the next-generation 2007 Super Duty gets taller, more rectangular headlights. They extend down to the one-piece chrome bumper and place the turn signals in the middle of the headlights instead of below them. The grille is more squared off, too, with bigger vents on each side and an even larger Ford logo. Look closely and you can also make out the words "Super Duty" pressed into the chrome.

Earlier pictures tipped us off to the new quarter panel vents just behind the front wheels. They look good but we would be surprised if they're actually functional. In back, the logo is bigger and has been moved to the center, the reverse lights are higher and the same "Super Duty" script used up front is pressed into the bottom of the tailgate.

Although the gasoline engine options aren't expected to change much, diesel fans will be glad to know there's an all-new Powerstroke in the works. Built by International, the new diesel V8 will displace 6.4 liters, feature a pair of sequential turbos and generate 350 horsepower and 650 pound-feet of torque. Ford's current Powerstroke has been plagued with problems so the arrival of the new 6.4 can't come soon enough.

There are substantial changes to the interior of the Super Duty as well. A spy photo of a test mule shows an interior similar to the F-150 with a cleanly laid out center stack with circular vents on each side. There's yet another "Super Duty" stamp just above the glovebox, so Ford is obviously trying to push the Super Duty brand a little harder this time around. Since these trucks tend to be work trucks more often than not, the designers made sure to include plenty of practical features like power outlets and easily accessible storage space.

Sales of the 2007 Super Duty are expected to begin before the end of the year. We expected a possible debut at the upcoming New York auto show, but Ford has said nothing about such an intro to date. Even if the new trucks don't get an official unveil at a major auto show, we still expect official specs and photos to show up sometime this summer.

I personally hope that this is not the final design becuase its fugly.


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ewwww. This years stuperdutys were amazing, but they just killed em in 07.

why are they making the grille bigger and bolder and more boxy every year. and white fenders? wtf?

tgertz77 said:
why are they making the grille bigger and bolder and more boxy every year. and white fenders? wtf?
pre-runner superduty dulley :p lol now thats somthing you dont see evrey day....lol

In the 80s, everything was square. In the 90s, everything was round. In the mid-2000s, we're going square (with a slight angular motif). What's next? Parachute pants?

Can't touch this...

I swear... ever since the 94 Dodge Ram came out, emulating the look of 18 wheelers in the front with the high nose and the smaller headlights, Ford's been right on them with the same look. Front of new super duty looks just like this to me:


*sigh* Damn truck designs lately... nothing original.

SunSearching said:
Thats one huge bumper guard.....

That is ugly, whats with the superduty lettering on the glovebox? I think someone's trying to overcompensate for something else. The headlights are so small they look like clear corner tail lights too.

I REALLY hope that's not the final design, because that is butt fuggin' ugly, holy crap.

I think they have drunk engineers at Ford that come to meetings about the grill design and just yell, "bigger... BIGGER".

BeauJ said:
I think they have drunk engineers at Ford that come to meetings about the grill design and just yell, "bigger... BIGGER".

hey you're like 2 seconds down the road from me lol

but yeah... as much as I like ford, I gotta say.. their designs have been CRAP lately, with the exception of the F150, which makes me drool. Honestly, I can't tell the difference between the new explorer and new expedition on the highway.. they look like clones of each other, and they seem to be the exact same size. And the design on them both sucks imho. There's a difference between "clean lines" and "plain", and the Ford design team has crossed over from clean lines to plain, which is how most of their cars have been looking lately... nothing super exciting, nothing really "cool" looking. Car and Driver magazine said it best:

"With the 2005 mustang concept released, the Ford design team seems to be saying one thing... 'We are out of new ideas!'"

Yeah that about sums it up.

*sorry for the lecture... I'm a transportation design major... IE this is what I'm eventually gonna get paid to be saying*

I think the engineers at ford stared at the truck for a loong time and made it grow on them. What the hell are they thinking.

One more thing, dodge's design for the rams is nice. Pretty much the only pickup thats a 3/4 or 1 ton i would buy.

tgertz77 said:
why are they making the grille bigger and bolder and more boxy every year. and white fenders? wtf?

Just FYI, the white fenders are NOT part of the final design. It's pretty rare that a car company actually "finishes" a mule... IE that they paint it, and I'm actually pretty surprised to see a full interior... they usually just kind of put everything together to make sure it all fits, then they take it out for a test drive... Usually covered heavily to hide the design details.

This is what a test mule usually looks like when spy photos are taken:


[QUOTE='97 V8]One more thing, dodge's design for the rams is nice. Pretty much the only pickup thats a 3/4 or 1 ton i would buy.[/QUOTE]

Ya. I remember the first time I saw the 18 wheeler-ish design... it was a yellow dodge ram 1500 sport at the dealership in 94... I freakin HATED it... but then I got to seeing it more and more, and I started really liking it. Now I LOVE it... and it's because Dodge is "tasteful" in their balance... yes, the 18wheeler lines are there, but it's not like a desperate attempt to look like one. The aggressive presence is there, but it still *looks* like a passenger truck. Ford's design team, on the other hand, seems to be desperately clinging to the idea of looking like an 18 wheeler.. they're trying too hard and overdoing it... like a girl who starts putting on makeup, and it looks good when she's done... but then she gets the notion that she wants her eyes played up a little more, so she puts on more and more mascara and eye shadow, and ends up looking like Mimi.
