2011 Super Duty | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2011 Super Duty


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Unvailed today at the Texas State fair, it will feature a new 6.7 Power Stroke diesel est. at 390hp and 750tq and a new 6.2 gasser to replace the v10 with est. 400hp and 450tq.





more details here..

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Yeah, that should take care of Chrysler and GM for a while.

Hmm another 10 years when they are used i Might get one, pretty sweet!

Yeah, that should take care of Chrysler and GM for a while.

Nah, if I were in the market for a new dually it would still be a Dodge. The most affordable of the bunch and seemingly more reliable too. Ford has some nice bells and whistles, but you pay dearly for them. Historically the greater complexity seems to come with greater problems as well.

Our 2003 Ram/Cummins just turned over 100,000 miles. Two warranty problems in 6 years. They replaced a bad lift pump, and I found a crack in the diff carrier when I was changing the fluid, never acted up on the road. They replaced the entire rear axle rotor to rotor with a brand new unit. The Dodge's interior may not be up to par with the Ford or GM, but some of us don't care for the rolling living room, we just need a reliable truck;)


Makes me want to open my own landscaping business!

The dodges are nice too and Cummins power is a good thing but I've been reading that they weren't going to be using cummins anymore? Not sure..I can yell you this. I see a lot more ford on the road than dodges and we sell twice as many dodge parts. To be honest..GM trucks aren't too bad because we don't get calls on many of them but I'd still go w/ the superduty. If it were a work truck cost effective but as a POV and DD that super duty is my new dream.

Fiiiine. I'll be the guinea pig and get one. :p:

Is it me, or do I find it butt ugly?


Must be you. Only thing I don't like is the color

I'll say that the grille does suck.

Yeah the grills seem to keep getting larger. I think the truck is ugly,but, that is my opinion.

I'd like something like this:


  • 2011fordsuperduty_1.jpg
    87.8 KB · Views: 3,075

I actually think the nose looks better then the current, however that thing is all grill!!! It pulls up behind you and in your rearview, you will not know the differance between this and a simi!

Another pair of cup holders would seal the deal for me:p:

Another pair of cup holders would seal the deal for me:p:

There is the 4 up front under the keyboard in the pic plus 2 more right behind the console lid. I'm sure there are more then that too.:D


My f-150 has 4 up front like that, 2 in the console and 2 that pop out of the dash. and no it's not enough:( The Volvo and Ex are worse though:thumbdwn:

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Does anyone have pics of the new 6.2L Boss/Hurricane engine?
