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2011 Mustang 5.0

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Anybody else hear the Boss302 will be back for 2012 ?? Ford annouced it today.

Love the plans for your car and its progress so far.

Id also hold off on a tune at this point. Im not convinced the aftermarket has figured out how to fully take advantage of the variable valve timing.

After the shifter, control arms and other suspension mods, id save all winter for exhaust, cams and maybe a 75 shot. By next spring i think there is going to be alot more knowledge about these cars out there and those parts and a good tune would give you a perfectly streetable, comfortable 10 second daily driver!!!

Eh. The only exhaust that POSSIBLY intrigues me is the Bassani. Still looking at ~$2000 for the complete deal and when I like the stock sound, that's too much to spend.

I know car guys are infamous for always wanting more, more, more... but in this case, I'm surprisingly happy. I have other things I want. The suspension stuff, then I want to get one of those custom sub enclosures for the trunk so I can get a little more bass (the Shaker 500 leaves a lot to be desired in all honesty- my '92 Ex EB has better sound with an aftermarket head unit and a later model stock sub chopped into the factory enclosure)... an then I want to go with the flush mount window louvers...

There's plenty I want to do with the car, but the purpose of getting a 400+hp 5.0 is so I won't have to mess with the drivetrain. It's really too much power for every day driving; if it wasn't for the AdvanceTrac I'd have probably spun it out numerous times goosing it a little too hard shifting lanes.

In addition to that, I'm determined to have the note paid down to 2/3 of the car's value by January... just in case things get bad and I need to bail.

I agree the drivetrain on the 5.0 is good, bur I would want to do an exhaust, intake, pulleys, and TB. Maybe throw a supercharger on there :D
Good to hear the boss 302 is back. Just wish it had more horsepower than the 440 announced, but its good at that amount of horsepower. Maybe we can get the boss 429 back too!

Took it to the track last night. Best was a 13.89 @ 103. There's lots of room for improvement, starting with getting the wheel hop under control. This morning I ordered some lower control arms and relocation brackets. I'm hoping they come in during the week so I can install them and hit the track again next weekend.

ETs are based on alot of different factors, however your MPH seems low. Weather maybe ??

For one, I'd never been to the track before so my launch needs lots of work. Compounding that was terrible weather (hot and muggy,) which the others said should account for about 3/10 and 3-4mph.
