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2011 Mustang 5.0

Are those 2011 GT wheels on the station wagon ??

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Thanks, man. After driving this for a couple weeks I went to move the Explorer and I hate it now. Haha! The Mustang clutch is SO smooth in comparison. The Ex is no longer getting SAS, just some radials, a few good fixes, and trail-only duty.

Are those 2011 GT wheels on the station wagon ??
Technically yes. They're from a 2010, but they're the same base 18s that come on the '11.

I had an amateur photographer take some shots around campus and she finished fixing them up yesterday...








...and for my two favorites...



Great pics !! Still only seen one on the road and it looked just like yours..

I finally got the news ive been waiting for.. Ford Racing will be offering the 4V 5.0 crate motor in a few months with a msrp of $7k.. it will still need the swap harness and computer to work in a different vehicle.

My supercharged 99 GT's days are numbered i think lol.. i want this motor in a 2800 lb fox body coupe !!!

Makes me jealous! Good looking Mustang GT. In my opinion you got to ditch those rims (just my opinion). Other than that, the car looks awesome! Color looks great.
Favorite picture is the one with the bridge.

Keep that 'stang looking good!

Thanks, guys!
Nate- I paid extra for these wheels. I actually really like them, just wish they had ever so slightly less backspacing. If they get replaced it'll be for a polished aluminum 20" but still likely a 5-spoke so no point bothering.

Oh...didn't realize that. I'm just in to the custom wheels, and that kind of stuff. The wheels look nice, but everyone has their preferences and just stated my opinion. I put that on my post, saying its my opinion. Your 5.0 still looks nice with those rims. I'm not trying to "diss" on the wheels or your mustang.

No offense taken, Nate! The car looks just how I want it to look and I understand everything isn't for everyone. Personally, I greatly prefer the look of factory wheels any time possible.

Alright good. Didn't want to offend anyone here. Your mustang looks great though. Any mods planned for it?

It's lowered 1.5" with Eibach coils in these pictures. As soon as Steeda releases their new shifter I'm ordering one. Beyond that the drivetrain is already so incredible I can't think of anything else I want to change. Ford did an incredible job. The only reason I'm even changing the already short throw factory shifter is just to say I did it. It'll use the stock boot and shift knob- no one will even know it's there.

It looked lowered. I've never taken a close look at 11 mustangs so I didn't want to say anything. I always have loved the lowered look on mustangs. I would think an intake upgrade with a TB would be two other good things to do to your mustang.

I don't know the stock measurements but the factory throttle body is huge. The intakes are gargantuous to add any power at all and still, both intake and tune are "only" getting 25hp and the tune eliminates the learning curve so I wouldn't be able to run 87 octane in the event of an emergency where all the 93 is sold out.

I really like this car, but it's obvious I come from driving trucks- this thing is ALWAYS dirty!! As such, I've named it...

My dirty *****. :D

I have to pay for its use, cops watch me closely to see whether I'll fall into the snares of its power, and my wife doesn't like how much time I spend inside of it.

--Nice on the name. My local police station just got a under-cover black mustang. That is one of the best cop cars I've seen! :) This cop wants to keep pulling me over for going 1mph (in my 05 X) over the speed limit. He hasn't succeded yet.
--I see your point with the TB and intake. I've never looked at a 11 Mustang before so I don't know anything about them.
--Are you going to swap out your exhaust for a new catback exhaust? I've heared a 11 CS/5.0 and they seem to be quiet (may be because I expected something louder).

I have no plans to change the exhaust. I love the factory sound- that CS must be doing something wrong because there's no mistaking it when I lay into my throttle. Plus, replacing from headers to tips only nets a max of 20hp... at the cost of $2k+. No, thanks.

Like the name, LOVE the car! Very nice ride. Lovin the pic of it next to the lamp post.

I tune wouldn't hurt anything, as long as you had the tuner with you could just put an 87, or the factory tune back on it while you were filling up.
WAY too much work. :D
I'm sure intake and tune will come EVENTUALLY, but I am more than happy with the performance at this point in time.

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Like the name, LOVE the car! Very nice ride. Lovin the pic of it next to the lamp post.
Thanks! I'm more than satisfied with it- performance, handling, comfort, etc.

Next upgrades are a Steeda Tri-Ax shifter, BMR rear lower control arms, and relocation brackets. From there I may upgrade to better shocks/struts but I'm not sure on that yet.
