2015 ford explorer whining at high rpm | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2015 ford explorer whining at high rpm


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April 28, 2024
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2015 ford explorer sport
I have a 3.5 eco boost explorer with 90k and for a while it’s been down on power I had to replace the cats because misfires. The misfiring stopped but it still doesn’t have the get up and go that it should. Recently it is making a whining sound at high rpm almost like power steering but more high pitched, it seems to be coming from the passenger side maybe lower in the engine bay or under the front end. I’ve checked all connections in the engine bay and nothing was loose or leaking. Please help, video of sound attached


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Recheck and ensure all the hoses to the turbos are connected and tightened. They can cause a loss of power. I didn't hear any whistling, just the normal turbo sound under acceleration.


Is the whistling noise what you're inquiring about? The Ecoboost turbos are supposed to be quiet.

Is the whistling noise what you're inquiring about? The Ecoboost turbos are supposed to be quiet.
Yes I don’t think it’s the turbos, it’s more of like pressure being let out sound (not the bov). It’s super high pitched I’ve tightened a hose on the turbo that looks loose and still no difference.

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Recheck and ensure all the hoses to the turbos are connected and tightened. They can cause a loss of power. I didn't hear any whistling, just the normal turbo sound under acceleration.

The video really doesn’t do it justice but it’s definitely not a normal turbo spool sound

I can't hear the video, but from what your describing I would suspect something on the accessory belt like maybe the bearing on the drive belt tensioner starting to go out. Is there any difference in the noise with the a/c on or off?

Idler pulleys also squeal before they explode...ask me how I know...
