2016 blowing AC clutch relay fuse #16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 blowing AC clutch relay fuse #16


New Member
January 26, 2020
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2016 Ford Explorer XLT
My 2016 XLT just started blowing fuse #16, AC clutch relay, and of course the AC is not working.

I disconnected both the black and gray connectors from the compressor. Both show 12v with a good fuse and the AC on.

When I plug in the gray connector (believe goes directly to compressor), the fuse does not blow but no AC.

When I plugin the black connecter (believe goes to clutch/coil), the fuse blows within just a few seconds, but I get a hint of cold air.

So guessing I need to replace the clutch? Anything else I should look at? Anyone ever changed just the clutch on a 2016 without removing the compressor?


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There are a few threads/posts on issues with the clutch but I don't believe any of them mention that fuse issue. A/C clutch


I you already haven't, I would search for a video showing just the clutch replacement. I know you can order just the clutch and pulley so it should work out.

Did replacing the clutch solve the problem? We are having the same issue on a 2016 Explorer

My 2016 XLT just started blowing fuse #16, AC clutch relay, and of course the AC is not working.

I disconnected both the black and gray connectors from the compressor. Both show 12v with a good fuse and the AC on.

When I plug in the gray connector (believe goes directly to compressor), the fuse does not blow but no AC.

When I plugin the black connecter (believe goes to clutch/coil), the fuse blows within just a few seconds, but I get a hint of cold air.

So guessing I need to replace the clutch? Anything else I should look at? Anyone ever changed just the clutch on a 2016 without removing the compressor?

View attachment 177701
Does replacing the clutch solve the problem? I'm having the exact same issue with my car.

Does replacing the clutch solve the problem? I'm having the exact same issue with my car.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
The member you quoted was last seen here on January 31, 2020. Judging by the lack of a reply to the same question by Adam Easley, I don't think the OP is following this thread. Good luck.


Does replacing the clutch solve the problem? I'm having the exact same issue with my car.
Having same issue I’ve replaced the clutch it still blows the fuse soon as I turn it on it’s a pain and if someone figures somthing out that would be cool

Does replacing the clutch solve the problem? I'm having the exact same issue with my car.
Did you ever get this figured out? Seems like people are reporting the problem but no resolution has been posted.


Did you ever get this figured out? Seems like people are reporting the problem but no resolution has been posted.

I bought used a/c compressor for less than $40, and replace the one I had... Now, my a/c is working just fine

I bought used a/c compressor for less than $40, and replace the one I had... Now, my a/c is working just fine
Hello RonyFab, Can you give us an update of your problem please, It is complete resolved with the compressor change?, my 16' xlt explorer start to blow the fuse #16 my A/C is cool if this is replaced but few minutes later fuse is gone.

Hello RonyFab, Can you give us an update of your problem please, It is complete resolved with the compressor change?, my 16' xlt explorer start to blow the fuse #16 my A/C is cool if this is replaced but few minutes later fuse is gone.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I'm sure the member will provide an update but since the member has not posted about any further issues with the compressor that it is still working. I would not recommend to keep changing the fuse since there is a problem that keeps causing it to blow.


Hello, I do not do a lot of posting, but this is my go to place for help. So thank to all of you. I had an issue with my14 explorer ac clutch fuse blowing. I read a lot post and did my troubleshooting. I found when I disconnected at the AC clutch and was still blowing fuses that I started looking through the wiring harness. The harness passes along side the electric fans and has a holding connection to it. That had been broke off and the harness was sitting on the exhaust/cat manifold. Some wires were burnt. namely the AC clutch wire and the horn. These were shorting out and causing the problem. I hope this helps someone, because this forum has helped me a lot in the passed. Thanks to All!!!
