2016 Explorer bucking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 Explorer bucking


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May 13, 2007
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Hi. My daughter said her 2016 explorer is "bucking" at low speeds, like in parking lots. It has 83k miles.
Was thinking of maybe changing the spark plugs. Are they 100K plugs? Does the intake have to come off to get to the back ones?

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Hi. My daughter said her 2016 explorer is "bucking" at low speeds, like in parking lots. It has 83k miles.
Was thinking of maybe changing the spark plugs. Are they 100K plugs? Does the intake have to come off to get to the back ones?
This a sport? If so, plugs may not be your problem. Could be the PTU going out. Take your vehical to a reputable shop to have it diagnosed.

Hi. My daughter said her 2016 explorer is "bucking" at low speeds, like in parking lots. It has 83k miles.
Was thinking of maybe changing the spark plugs. Are they 100K plugs? Does the intake have to come off to get to the back ones?
Hard to tell you without knowing what engine she has…… There should be ample videos on YouTube and such.

Is the check engine light on?

Hard to tell you without knowing what engine she has…… There should be ample videos on YouTube and such.

Is the check engine light on?
No CEL. The car is at her house, I am going to have to go there an get more information, All she said is she thinks its a 6 cylinder.

No CEL. The car is at her house, I am going to have to go there an get more information, All she said is she thinks its a 6 cylinder.
The 2016 Explorer had issues with the throttle body. Not saying that is your issue. 2016 Explorer Throttle Body Problems
If you use the 'Search' feature at the top right you will find several threads, mostly on the 2016 that have some kind of acceleration issues.


The 2016 Explorer had issues with the throttle body. Not saying that is your issue. 2016 Explorer Throttle Body Problems
If you use the 'Search' feature at the top right you will find several threads, mostly on the 2016 that have some kind of acceleration issues.

Thanks everyone. I think for now I should visit the vehicle, drive it, and gather more information.

Thanks everyone. I think for now I should visit the vehicle, drive it, and gather more information.
To more simply answer your question, yes they are 100k miles plugs, or more. But I think most will agree here that changing them before 100k is the better choice.
And yes, the intake plenum on top needs to come off. If you are handy at all, just watch some youtube and it's a piece of cake. The throttle body will come off (3-4 bolts and the hose clamp) and then you can clean that thing silly :)

To more simply answer your question, yes they are 100k miles plugs, or more. But I think most will agree here that changing them before 100k is the better choice.
And yes, the intake plenum on top needs to come off. If you are handy at all, just watch some youtube and it's a piece of cake. The throttle body will come off (3-4 bolts and the hose clamp) and then you can clean that thing silly :)
would a new gasket be needed?

would a new gasket be needed?
I don't think there is a gasket that needs replacement. If there is, it is a pure rubber/plastic one. I did not replace it either way. Again, others will probably say to replace any gasket, any kind if you can.
