2020 Extended Service Plans Pricing @ Dealer Cost | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2020 Extended Service Plans Pricing @ Dealer Cost

Joel is not processing ESPs right now, they have no phone lines or internet at the dealership due to the hurricanes. I will update once they are back up and running.

They are trying to run a dealership off of a cell phone at the moment.

What hurricane(s) are you referring to? It's been over a year since the Florida panhandle was hit (assuming that is where he's at), so they are still not up and running? Total bummer.

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Joel is back up and running. Due to the slow of business because of the Corona virus, he is on an every other day schedule so it may take a few days for a reply.

Joel is back up and running. Due to the slow of business because of the Corona virus, he is on an every other day schedule so it may take a few days for a reply.

I'm interested. Please send me his info. Thanks.

Joel is back up and running. Due to the slow of business because of the Corona virus, he is on an every other day schedule so it may take a few days for a reply.
I’m interested as well, PM already sent. Also curious to know what your thoughts are on the premium maintenance plans. It’s unclear to me whether wear and tear replacements are covered 100% like brake pads and rotors, engine belts etc, or is it just inspections for those items? Can Joel sell those as well?

Joel is back up and running. Due to the slow of business because of the Corona virus, he is on an every other day schedule so it may take a few days for a reply.


I purchased my Explorer in north Florida, but I live in Georgia, and will be servicing it there. I can still buy an ESP from Joel right?

PM sent. Is there anything else I need to do?

blwnsmoke, Please PM me with the info for the purchase of the Ford ESP plan for my 2020 Platinum.


I just signed up. The price, the fact it's transferable, and the 24 month financing, sealed the deal.

edit: Was pleasantly surprised to see the ESP show up on my FordPass app today.:bounce:

I sent 2 emails to Joel asking him to re-quote the ESP without extra rental, key and lighting coverage, never heard back from him😳


I sent Joel an email request for pricing earlier this week. He is out of the office and will be back in on Monday, 7/13.

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Thanks for sharing that info.


Just got my 7/100 deal done with Joel. Thanks @blwnsmoke for the connection - the process couldn't have gone any easier and was all done in less than 10 minutes.

Just got my 7/100 deal done with Joel. Thanks @blwnsmoke for the connection - the process couldn't have gone any easier and was all done in less than 10 minutes.
Glad everything went smoothly, he is awesome.

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Joel has setup a dedicated email for ESPs that go right to him that is not advertised. PM me when you are ready to buy one and he can get you pricing.
PM’d!!! I am picking up my 2021 ST on Saturday and they are charging me $1,995 for 100k. Please help. Hehehe
