2020 Ford Bronco!! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2020 Ford Bronco!!

I can't wait for them to come out, my 2019 Ranger does nothing but impress me, so a Bronco will likely be even crazier.

I will own one before all said and done.

Did buy several 1st Gens lately to scratch my itch to run over trees on our farm. Something about it, just makes you smile.

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I’m getting excited.
(This is a concept photo of course)


-the recent Ford teaser of a two door silhouette, which is what I want, unless I don’t...

kind of not happy that the rumour is I can only get the 2.3L 4-cyl. And not a 6 cyl...

Or will that come out next year?

can’t wait to see these!

Hoping for the rumored manual transmission on the 2 Door...

Leaks -interior


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Leaks -interior

I like it - a well integrated screen that doesn't look like a slapped on iPad.
They even integrated an "Oh Sheet" handle for the passenger - LOL! :chug:

What I don't understand why they had to "recess" the Passenger side HVAC Vent, and I imagine for symmetry that holds the same for the Driver's Side, but OK - it is what it is - I'm sure there is a reason for it.

I like that the HVAC vents are beefy & functional. It looks like they will hold up for the long haul and they'll be easy to clean for dust build up.

Waiting to see the main instrument cluster :bounce:

Apparently the insider had this to say about the interior:

"All of our early production-intent prototypes have interior plastics like that. They are missing the final texture and as a result are very smooth and shiny. Don't worry, the production vehicles won't have plastics like that."

An older leaked photo of the manual option..


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Two door with a manual transmission - - checks my two biggest requirements!

Two door with a manual transmission - - checks my two biggest requirements!
Me too,
Was also comparing my first gen engine to the 2.3 EcoBoost
Much more power in the EcoBoost, it’s amazing how far engines have come, in the two door this might not be too bad..

Well I'm sold. 2 door here I come

I can't believe how good the 2 and 4 door units look and are outfitted. Near 100 to 1 crawl ratio from the factory, 35" tires, lockers, swaybar disconnect,....... I'm definitely in on buying one.
Jeep is going to take a huge hit on sales....I'm laughing at Jeep as they "leaked" out a potential V8 Hemi powered concept Jeep to try to preempt the Bronco debut. Too little, to late Jeep.

No manual v6
No Sasquatch without manual

I’m looking at the badlands with suspension upgrade as a starting point, more hp and torque than my explorer.

-never learned how to drive an automatic 🙁
