265/70/r16 vs 255/70/r16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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265/70/r16 vs 255/70/r16


New Member
November 9, 2010
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Hey guys...need an a/t tire for winter here and was wondering the pros and cons of of maybe going to a bigger size. Will i have uneven wear with proper rotation on the bigger tires? Any opinions on this would be appreciated,thanks guys.

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You may get a bit of rub in a full lock turn, your final drive ratio will be altered a bit. I don't think you'll find enough difference to even mention. It would be a bit more difference if you went to a 265/75R16.

You can get a visual on the difference here at this site: http://www.miata.net/garage/tirecalc.html

I run the Cooper A/T in a 265 on the stock rims and haven't had a single problem with them. The allow my little ST to handle mud and snow with ease. In fact those tires throw snow and mud all over the place, causing me to have to constantly wash my rig. I can still have a decent turn radius, if I get real tight they rub on the sway bar. I am very happy with my 265's.

I just didn't want to have any trans problems as i have a lot of miles on it and don't want to deal with any uneven wear should it arise from running the bigger tire.

You shouldn't have any trans problems, the only thing that you will notice is the noise from the aggressive lugs on the tires. I have had mine for a couple of years, around 12,000 miles with no issues. Just rotate them like any other tire.

uneven wear keeps getting mentioned, are all 4 tires being changed?
if you only change 2, and it's 4WD, of course you will have issues with the drivetrain.
