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33's No Body Lift (Illegal In Maine)


This is with a 2.5 TT, a 2" AAL thats sagged down to 1.5 ( and I was planing on that sag ) And a WAR153 shackle lift.
These are 33x12.5x15's on AR Rims. NO RUBBING AT ALL ANYWHERE and there was NO cutting or trimming.. Runs and goes great.




SO UPDATE 33's CAN AND WILL FIT with NO CUTTING with a tt. war153 and AAL.

I have had no problems wheeling it like this either And I go off road every other weekend. The only damage I did was break the transfer case. Thats not because of lift.

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get this man a beer! I am sorry for doubting you :)

Think they woulda fit without the tube bumper?

4 inch BS on the rims?

nice rig!

get this man a beer! I am sorry for doubting you :)

Think they woulda fit without the tube bumper?

4 inch BS on the rims?

nice rig!

Told you to check back in about 4 months :salute: :D

Eh with the front bumper. I bet if you trimmed about 1- 1.5"s off the front bumper and removed any plactic that connects to the bottom rockerpanels/fender you would be able to clear them.

Um Ill have to messure, I cant remember if there 4 or 4.25 Bs.

wheres my beer?:cool:

*deleted* Double post.

I have a 1994 ford explorer and I have been looking for fender flares just like you have but i can not find them any were and i don't remember were i got mine years and i need new ones could you let me no were you got yours that would be great.
Thanks Justin

dude.... He doesnt have fender flares haha. But I see its your first post on the forums, so welcome! and try the forum search. "Fender flares" or something like that.


I have a 99 explorer 2wd with about 2" torsion twist and 2" shackles on the back and I have 33x11.50x16 nitto mud grapplers on it. Very very very little scrubbing.. only when I cut the wheel at the way. Here's some pics..


Hope this helps!!

can i revive this?


This is with a 2.5 TT, a 2" AAL thats sagged down to 1.5 ( and I was planing on that sag ) And a WAR153 shackle lift.
These are 33x12.5x15's on AR Rims. NO RUBBING AT ALL ANYWHERE and there was NO cutting or trimming.. Runs and goes great.




SO UPDATE 33's CAN AND WILL FIT with NO CUTTING with a tt. war153 and AAL.

I have had no problems wheeling it like this either And I go off road every other weekend. The only damage I did was break the transfer case. Thats not because of lift.

Okay i am lookign to go with some 33's but i do not want to trim like you. so were you sitting on stock 15x7 with the 4" BS and had no problems?
i have the tt 1.75", AAL and shackles. i want to do the 33's but dont want to rub a whole lot. i want to know what rim size/ BS you ran.

if i have to i will just do a BL

33x10.5 scrubs on sway bar slightly at full **** on 2 inch TT lift

15x7 stock rims... with 15x8 it might be possible to aviod scrub with 33x10.5 but I would not suggest 33x12.5 due to sway bar and jack point on a arm. Even with trimming these parts are in the way.

I have a 95 4 door with tt and shackels with 33.10.50 bfgs and no rubbing anywhere even when offroading

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