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38.5s, 4-Linked, Coilovered, and Full Width

Well I'm going to go ahead and post this. I might be buying tommarrow my D44/9" combo out of a 78/79 Bronco(Don't remember which). I will then start collecting parts so I may get ready to do my buildup. Here are my plans:

- D44 front w/ Detroit, 5.13s, Superwinch Hubs, New Shafts & Joints, Hydrosteer, Crossover Steering

- 9" Rear w/ Detroit, 5.14s, Discs, 31 Spline Shafts

- Custom Built 4-Links Front/Rear using some big ole tube and some nice heims

- Coilovers(Not sure on size, spring rates or anything like that)

- 38.5x14.5x15 Swamper SX mounted on Trailready or Rock Stomper Beadlocks

- Front Winch Bumper, Rear Tire Carrier, and Possibly a Roof Rack

- 4.0 is getting some motor work(BBK TB, TB Spacer, Intake, Exhaust, Cam(Possibility), and a Chip

- Tranny will be getting a shift kit and maybe a few other things

- 6" Bulge Front Fiberglass and 4" Cowl Hood(Functional)

That will be all for this part of the buildup. The truck is currently my SPL comp vehicle and will stay that way. I originally just wanted to lift the truck and what not but I miss my rock crawlin days(XJ on 35s & a CJ on 39.5s) so I figured hey why the hell not. I should be ok leaving my system in the truck because I shall be bolting it down and what not. I will also need to probably have a cage built for this truck. This build will probably take awhile(Fact that I'm 18 and still in HS) but I hope to have it on 38.5s and Coilovers by the time the Badlands Run rolls around. We shall see.

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Don't get a roof rack if you like a low cog, even though on a lifted explorer thats hard to do already.

Damn, from the title I thought it was already done and ready to see some pics. Sounds like a good plan. I'll be waiting for pics of this bad chicken.

I just took my roof rack off. I would only put one on if you know you're going to use it, otherwise there is no point.

Good luck! :thumbsup:

roof rack isnt gonna make much of a difference jey... probably BARELY noticeable.

sounds good. I have those axles and im buildin em up. good luck!

see the only reason I went for the roof rack was because my sub box takes up the whole back end and when I want to carry some spares and I had 4 people with me I don't have a place to put them. If its just me a another person or what not they will be inside.

supergildo said:
roof rack isnt gonna make much of a difference jey... probably BARELY noticeable.

sounds good. I have those axles and im buildin em up. good luck!

If he starts putting spare parts/tools or maybe even a spare tire, it will be very noticeable, which isn't that the point of a roof rack?

Well it looks like the truck has gone a different direction. I have an 88 Bronco Frame to work with. HRMMMMMM........

The plan now is this.

Bronco Graveyard 10" Solid Axle Conversion(Going to get around 15" total lift)
D60 Front w/ 4.88s, High Steer, Hydro, and a Detroit
D70 or 14Bolt Rear w/ 4.88s, Discs, Detroit
46" Claws

And after all that is completed on the frame, the explorer body is going on the bronco frame.

that sounds like a plan to me. cant wait till everything gets started so i can see some pics :D
