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3link front build

After wasting my front springs on my last wheeling trip it is time to do some upgrades. I am dumping the front leafs and doing a 3 link front.

The lower links will be some thick tube of some sort once I finally buy it. On the axle will be a poly bushing from ruff stuff. On the frame side I am using a jonny joint with a 1.25" threaded shank.

The upper link is 1.75x .120 tube with the same johnny joints on both ends.

The track bar will be 1.5x .250 tube that I have laying around. It will have 3/4" hiems on each end.

I am reusing my old shocks.

The coil springs will be from a jeep tj. I have some rubicon express 4.5" springs right now. I think they will be to short but we will see when I get some weight on it.


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What gears are you guys running for 37's? 4.56? 5.00? I have 4.56 and wished I had 5.00 or 5.13. My 35 inch tires cause too much strain when wheelin' and my clutch pays the price. I thought I was going to smoke my clutch last time I went out in AZ. I deffinatly need a doubler.

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4.88 5 speed and a d.d doubler. I am at 2900 rpm at 60mph in 5th. I am glad I trailer it and dont have to drive it on road much. Didnt have to slip the clutch all the way through the clawhammer.

Two words, AUTO TRANNY. Preferably a 700-R4. No clutch slippage, great torque multiplication, and 2 feet for 2 pedals. The only downside is you don't get that cool clutch burning smell and you seldom stall at the wrong time. :D
Posted via Mobile Device

just stock shafts and stock spare shafts as well. No money right now for alloy shafts.

I toasted 2 shafts, numerous ujoints and a detroit in my front end before I got alloys. With your doubler I bet you can really explode parts!! The chromos were definately worth it for me. My front axle is reliable again! They were a big investment so I understand. Welding the ujoint caps to the stock shafts helped too. My failures seemed to be starting with ujoints so I did consider machining the shafts for full circle clips and running superjoints.:scratch:

I am running 4.56s and 37s. It burns seroius clutch in the rocks, but it will cruise at 90 down the highway no problem and gets 17 mpg on the highway. I have a d&d doubler like matts sitting on the shelf that should help in the rocks!

I toasted 2 shafts, numerous ujoints and a detroit in my front end before I got alloys. With your doubler I bet you can really explode parts!! The chromos were definately worth it for me. My front axle is reliable again! They were a big investment so I understand. Welding the ujoint caps to the stock shafts helped too. My failures seemed to be starting with ujoints so I did consider machining the shafts for full circle clips and running superjoints.:scratch:

I am running 4.56s and 37s. It burns seroius clutch in the rocks, but it will cruise at 90 down the highway no problem and gets 17 mpg on the highway. I have a d&d doubler like matts sitting on the shelf that should help in the rocks!

Get the doubler in and you will wonder how you ever wheeled with out it. Probably the best mod I have done to my truck.

I toasted 2 shafts, numerous ujoints and a detroit in my front end before I got alloys. With your doubler I bet you can really explode parts!! The chromos were definately worth it for me. My front axle is reliable again! They were a big investment so I understand. Welding the ujoint caps to the stock shafts helped too. My failures seemed to be starting with ujoints so I did consider machining the shafts for full circle clips and running superjoints.
Yeah I had it wedged in rocks so bad, when I was in gear and off the clutch not one tire moved. Had to let it sit for a hour and cool down. Have not broke anything yet. I really think 5.00 are in order for me as I really can not use 5th on the highway much. I guess it's too much for my tierd 4liter. I am not at home to verify but 65 at 2500. start pulling hill and forget about it, drop to 4th and run 3200ish
