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Yah they are projectors out of a Lexus rx330. The headlights require alot of modification and alot of engineering to make adjustable mounts. I have an extra set of headlights and would be willing to make more but they will be pricy. I have about $200 in parts alone and that's finding really good deals.

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damnn nice lights man! deff unique look for the X

Thanks Tyler, thought is was an aftermarket we could purchase but dame does it looks good.

Nope no one makes aftermarket projector housings for us. I know of one company that will build them for you but there around $600 plus you supply the housings and they use the fx-r bi-xenon projector, which is a good projector, but not as good as the rx330 AFS projector. I didn't want to deal with wiring a bi-xenon and from what I've read you loose low beam performance and I rarely use my high beams.

Nope no one makes aftermarket projector housings for us. I know of one company that will build them for you but there around $600 plus you supply the housings and they use the fx-r bi-xenon projector, which is a good projector, but not as good as the rx330 AFS projector. I didn't want to deal with wiring a bi-xenon and from what I've read you loose low beam performance and I rarely use my high beams.

I don't want to start a war, just clarify. I used the FX-R's for my retrofit. I don't see how being bi-xenon would affect low beam output (which IMO, is awesome with the FX-R's). As for wiring, it's actually really easy. I bought a connector that accepts the hi-beam plug. I put the connector on the pigtails of the projector that controls the hi-beam function. Since I didn't need the factory hi-beam bulb, I put an amber LED light in that location for another signal light (like the Rangers and F-150s). You do lose your flash to pass (when the headlights are off) when you do this. I already had a set of driving lights behind the grill that I rewired to work only when the headlights are off and you flash to pass. So, I still have flash to pass, low beam, and hi-beam.

I don't want to start a war, just clarify. I used the FX-R's for my retrofit. I don't see how being bi-xenon would affect low beam output (which IMO, is awesome with the FX-R's). As for wiring, it's actually really easy. I bought a connector that accepts the hi-beam plug. I put the connector on the pigtails of the projector that controls the hi-beam function. Since I didn't need the factory hi-beam bulb, I put an amber LED light in that location for another signal light (like the Rangers and F-150s). You do lose your flash to pass (when the headlights are off) when you do this. I already had a set of driving lights behind the grill that I rewired to work only when the headlights are off and you flash to pass. So, I still have flash to pass, low beam, and hi-beam.

Never knocked on the FX-R's and would choose those over TL projectors. It was just a personel choice to go with the RX-330 because they are one of the best for the money especially with TSX clear lenses and a new shield with squirel finder removed. I never use my highs so a bi-xenon wasnt important to me, plus if I went bi-xenon I would want the 9005's to work in conjuntion to the HID. Trust me when I say I got a really good deal on the RX projectors for cheaper than the FX-R. And no war started the world would be boring if we all had the same opinion.

Spent alot of money over the past few weeks. got my black headlights and corners, new head unit, new sub, and new tail lights.
New head unit. JVC KW-AV640 6.1" touchscreen $450

New sub. Polk audio 4 ohm 8" $140

New tails. New decals $64 + $12

New black headlights + clear black corners. $102 +$26
no pics yet

Props to Sleb for the tail lights!

Nice, I like it....did you get some good quality red leds for them?

Nice, I like it....did you get some good quality red leds for them?

hah, not yet. so as of now, my brake lights look orange. wheres a cheap place to get good led 3157s and good resistors?

Cant decide if I like the headlights all black except shroud and high beam reflector, or just the shroud plate I made black. Im leaning towards all black because the one housing is already painted. Also thinking about sanding down the lines in the contoured portion connecting to high beam. (Obviously nothing is mounted in the pictures just sitting there and hole is not cut for the projector in the shroud plate. Chrome headlight has a dirty lens on and black headlight has no lens).



I vote all black

Hey Kazer, was wondering if you wouldn't mind taking a few more shots of your tails. I'm currently looking into getting some aftermarket ones and yours have kind of caught my eye. Was just wondering what they look like from a little further away and also what they look like with the lights on.

Right after a bath and a wax....


Sorry for the grainy iPhone photo

Sure I can take more pictures tomorrow. Sleb has these same tails and has pictures of them on page 83 of this thread

yeeey new lights










Those KC's look hell cool!!!

Thanks lynchy!

Your explorer looks flawless.

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Wicked mate! Now you can hook up a car trailer or whack on that spare tyre carrier. Came out sweet!!!
