4.0 Timing chain no timing marks? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 Timing chain no timing marks?


"I'm counting to 3, then I'm getting your dad."
Elite Explorer
March 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Woodstock, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Ford Explorer 4.6l
At no point in replacing the chains does it mention counting the links on either side.

So the rear passenger chain and sprockets go on, just as they fit, and are only held to the cam/crank with the clamping force of the bolts. Ie. no woodruff key or notches in the gears etc.

The front balancer shaft chain seems to just go on with no link count either.

This just seems crazy. Is it just me that thinks this is weird? With the 4.6, you have marked links.

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Welcome to press fit timing gears. The 4 cyl duratec motors are the same way. Not the best idea but they work and last.

You tighten the main chain first to get the jackshaft in sync then you time the banks starting on passenger side.

Welcome to press fit timing gears. The 4 cyl duratec motors are the same way. Not the best idea but they work and last.

You tighten the main chain first to get the jackshaft in sync then you time the banks starting on passenger side.
What do you mean by “time.”
So the Jack shaft is locked. I even marked the cam with sharpie, but it’s also locked with the tool.
The chain wants to be tighter on the top left, and sag on the tensioner side. I’ve read Streetrods write up as well as watched the Cloyes video. It looks like you just put in the new cassette and that’s it. No counting links on each side of a timing mark.

You leave the cam bolt loose then after you install the otc tensioner it will pull the chain tight. Then you tighten up the cam to gear bolt. Chain marks are irrelevant on these 4.0s

You leave the cam bolt loose then after you install the otc tensioner it will pull the chain tight. Then you tighten up the cam to gear bolt. Chain marks are irrelevant on these 4.0s
I got you. Because the gears are “press fit” (clamped with the bolts) doing it as your described (which is how it’s shown being done) it naturally times itself.

Makes since. I just hate doing things, even as shown, when they aren’t explained as to why.


On the front crank to balancer shaft, it says to align to top dead center, which I did, felt the compression against the finger. Crank woodruff key at 12 o’clock. However, the balance shaft timing marks are also at 12 o’clock and not pointed to 3 o’clock to the “alignment” hole.

I’m guessing, as long as everything goes back as it was, I’m okay. I’m using the master OTC timing kit to lock the cams etc.

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I think every 7 rotations of the engine the marks line back up. If you take it off and put it back exactly you'll be fine also.
