4.56 gears (8.8) and cross shafts' | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.56 gears (8.8) and cross shafts'


Explorer Addict
October 11, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Charlotte, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport 4x4
I was talkin to a buddy of mine who tells me im gonna have to get c-clip eliminators to fit 4.56 gears in that hogs head. After a little research i found this MODIFIED CROSS SHAFT for sale at http://www.accuautoparts.com/.

Do i actually need to eliminate the C-Clips when i put the lower ratio in? I'm honestly too stubborn to go with a higher ratio like 4.33, and im gonna be kinda disapointed if i gotta buy this thing and figure out i dont need it.

Heres the add from that web page...
MODIFIED CROSS SHAFT- allows installation of lower ratio gears (4.56+) while retaining the factory c-clip axles. Without this shaft, c-clip eliminators or full floating conversion will be required.

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You do not need the c-clip modification to run 4.56 gears or any gear ratio. I have ran 4.56gears for years with no problems ever out of my 8.8. You will need the notched cross pin, however.

awsome man thanks...

this a way off topic but this kinda weired, after looking at your profile you and i have the same birthday, unless yours isnt correct.

NOTAJP said:
You will need the notched cross pin, however.

i was kinda confused on this one, do you mean notch the current cross pin or go find one already notched out.

Awesome dude! :thumbsup:

You can purchase the cross pin from any gear vender. I do not know if you can modify the stock pin or not. Prob would be safest to just buy one; not expensive.

I think the $180 plus dollars for a c-clip eliminator kit is a waste of money. How many people do you know that has broken one? They are easy to replace and back on the trail.

Just a note, if you go to randy's ring and pinion website, under the tech section, there is an article on notching your existing cross pin, but they aren't that expensive to go buy one, which is what I did. Good luck
