4" Cherokee springs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4" Cherokee springs?


Well-Known Member
September 2, 2008
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Kentucky, Y'all!
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'93 xlt, '92 4x4
I almost grabbed a set of 4" lift springs for a cherokee today.

They look like they'll fit an explorer, frankly. I think the tighter-wound end might need a better retainer maybe - no biggie there.

Any ideas on spring rates, and what kind of lift they would give an explorer? (the explorer being a heavier vehicle, of course)

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You sure the x weighs more? If so, the springs will probably be to soft, so you'd need shocks with lighter rebound if you take it offroad at speed. Stiffer compression to. I personally like a STIFF suspension, so if I was you, I'd be looking at bronco springs, wagoneer, ecoline, ect

The spring rate is a LOT lower. You really don't want those for on road use. An XJ weighs 3400 lbs, a 4 door 4wd explorer 4000

If these really are in the 240 PPI range... well that might be what I'm looking for really.

It'll take a trial, but if these ride at ~2" over stock and will align, then some liberal trimming and the biggest tire that works may meet my target. The target being as low a CG as possible, with maximum travel.
For the rear, that's going to take some playing around to find the right stuff I suppose. The extended shackles may do, but I *think* that something that is proportionally balanced (vs. the front/rear weights) to let the vehicle center over obstacles better may be needed.

FIND I'm adopting your motto if I drive this on the street at all... "I strongly abide by the motto, "Safety third.""


This is for the "other" Explorer here.. not the 6" lifted one. The big X does well, but gets tippy sometimes.

I believe that the RBV community has come to the conclusion that XJ springs are too soft for a 4 door explorer. Just repeating what I have read on this forum and also on TRS, so do your own research to confirm all this. BIIs and single cab short bed rangers with the smaller engines are much better candidates for the springs though.

I'm also a low COG/large tires proponent and I think you'd be better off looking at pre-1980 F150 springs. the ttb f150 springs are too stiff, but the springs on the older trucks with solid axles are just soft enough to afford better flex/stability while still giving a small amount of lift. I have read of many members on these forums using those springs with successful results. you will need to buy additional parts to facilitate the mounting of the springs though as the stock RBV coil buckets and retainers won't work.

Here's my favorite example of this setup, GLFredricks old truck: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194662

As you can see his truck pulled massive travel on a very small amount of lift and at a low cost to boot.

I think GLFredrick might have used a 4" lift spring (from a 78-ish f150)?

Shame, I sold a 4" lifted 78 with a bad 400 in it... :(

anyway.. yes I'll certainly look into it, thanks!
