4Dtech Bambi Mode Eliminator CanOpener | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4Dtech Bambi Mode Eliminator CanOpener


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August 29, 2009
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North Jersey
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2014 Sport
Hello everyone... Waiting for my 2022 Stone Blue Timberline to arrive at the dealer! Question: Does anyone have experience using the 4Dtech Bambi Mode Eliminator CanOpener? I've used their horn honk eliminator on my 2019 which is getting traded in and that was worth every cent! So for the one 4Dtech product I've used so far I'm very happy with them.

However.... I'm just wondering if there would be issues using the Bambi CanOpener when having high beams on with the driving lights for an extended period. Do all the lights draw through the same circuit thus causing risk for a fuse blow? I would assume not, but I know there are some smart electronic guys here. I also intend to get the Ford Performance Timberline grille lights. Any personal experiences or insight to the tech is appreciated.

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I don't recall reading the term CanOpener on this form before. Some members have enabled "bambi" mode using FORScan and also eliminated the double honk with it. Just to clarify that the Explorer has "Fog" lights, not 'Driving' lights. There is a difference. Also, some jurisdictions have laws again using the Fog lights in combination with the high beams. I don't believe that anyone has installed the Timberline grille lights yet. You may be the first. Good luck.


I don't recall reading the term CanOpener on this form before. Some members have enabled "bambi" mode using FORScan and also eliminated the double honk with it. Just to clarify that the Explorer has "Fog" lights, not 'Driving' lights. There is a difference. Also, some jurisdictions have laws again using the Fog lights in combination with the high beams. I don't believe that anyone has installed the Timberline grille lights yet. You may be the first. Good luck.

"CanOpener" is a product name of some of 4Dtech's products. They also refer to them as "canflash" or "flash" programmers.

FORScan software is free and you only have to pay for the OBD adapter.

I searched the 6th gen forum for 4Dtech and didn't find anything relevant to your questions. I choose to use Forscan for bambi mode months ago and have not had any fuse issues with lighting fuses. My vehicle automatically turns on the high beams at night and the fog lights remain on.
I can't speak to the product your asking about.

I don't recall reading the term CanOpener on this form before. Some members have enabled "bambi" mode using FORScan and also eliminated the double honk with it. Just to clarify that the Explorer has "Fog" lights, not 'Driving' lights. There is a difference. Also, some jurisdictions have laws again using the Fog lights in combination with the high beams. I don't believe that anyone has installed the Timberline grille lights yet. You may be the first. Good luck.

I did the ForScan Bambi mode about 2 days after I got my Timberline, it is fantastic! I did also put in the grill lights a short time after, so I have ran Low, High, Fog, and Grill at the same time. Didn't seem to have any issues with it pulling too much, or causing anything to blow. I ran all the lights for over an hour a few weeks ago driving down the Interstate around 3AM, so no one was around to be bothered..... I'll try to get some pictures to post of it.

"CanOpener" is a product name of some of 4Dtech's products. They also refer to them as "canflash" or "flash" programmers.
I am not familiar with CanOpener, or 4Dtech. But, I can say that it is possible to run all lights at once, if they can do a bambi mode in the flash. I had it on my old F150 with non-OEM grill lights and it works perfectly on my 2022 Timberline with the Grill lights... Wish I could give a for sure about 4D, but I just haven't used it, so I don't want to speak on something I'm not certain about. But it is possible to do with ForScan. I got on it because it offers all of the different Modules in one location, and groups tend to be pretty good about sharing updates and new settings we find.

Plus the fact that FORscan is free! (other than the OBD adapter) 😉

Just what does Bambi mode , do??

Just what does Bambi mode , do??
It allows you to use the foglights with your high beams. Something that may not be legal in some jurisdictions.


I did the ForScan Bambi mode about 2 days after I got my Timberline, it is fantastic! I did also put in the grill lights a short time after, so I have ran Low, High, Fog, and Grill at the same time. Didn't seem to have any issues with it pulling too much, or causing anything to blow. I ran all the lights for over an hour a few weeks ago driving down the Interstate around 3AM, so no one was around to be bothered..... I'll try to get some pictures to post of it.
How did you turn this on I looked up spreadsheets and my codes don’t match what they are showing and I tried in the other panel but nothing seems to make them stay on

Never mind I wasn’t reading the right value to change I got it

How did you turn this on I looked up spreadsheets and my codes don’t match what they are showing and I tried in the other panel but nothing seems to make them stay on

Never mind I wasn’t reading the right value to change I got it
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:

