4th Annual EF S.M.O.R.R. meet 2012 May 4th, 5th, & 6th | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4th Annual EF S.M.O.R.R. meet 2012 May 4th, 5th, & 6th

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It's Always Something!
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Elite Explorer
August 1, 2008
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The dates are set for the Ford Invasion III wheeling meet @ Smorr in Seymour MO.
May 3-6 2012 (Thur-Sun)
Fri H85* L64*
Morning fog -10% chance of precip
Sat H88* L64*
Sunny no chance of rain :thumbsup:
Sun H88* L67*
Scattered T-storms in the afternoon

2011 meet was renamed in honer of John Johnstone. So this is actually the 3rd Invasion meet for EF. ;)

We are already listed on the calendar. :thumbsup:

Our thread on Smorr's forum pages...

Facebook event page.

The Yearly Calendar of events for the park was filling up fast, and we had to pull the trigger for this weekend. We were lucky to get a weekend as this place is getting so popular, they are filling up weekends a year in advance now.

Thursday evening pre-run dinner
7pm at Springfield Brewing Co. Downtown Springfield on Market & Walnut st. 301 South Market 65806


Great relaxing place to eat, and sample the home made award winning Hefe Weizen beers.

Saturday after lunch events...

50 yard drag races

Best timed obstacle course

Looking forward to seeing old faces, and hoping to meet many new ones this year! :)


Some of the above names are from those that have signed up on Facebook, but since they haven't given their EF member names, I had no choice but to use their names on the attending list.

Drop outs:


Smorr is located in Southwest MO.
This is a Privately owned park with over 930 acres, and over 75 miles of trails rated from 1 to 5. The park has very nice amenities, including modern bathrooms/showers, Large Pavilion, clean camping areas, compressed air, child playground, obstacle course, great food-Bfast/lunch/dinner. There are a couple RTI ramps, mud pit, drag race area, and a Jumping track to get daring on. There are places set up in the park to have a nice picnic lunch or relax for a while, enjoying the beauty of the Ozark hills.

CB Radio channel...5.
Park staff runs ch 14.

GPS Download for the park

Garmin mapsource application

Park map pdf.

Vehicle requirements for trails:
4WD (2wd LS will get around main road only)
Front & Rear tow points
CB Radio
If your a stock rig, please inform us of what your running in your axles, ie...open or Limited slip. We will need to keep you in the middle of the pack on the trails.

Suggested equipment for trails:
Trail ratings
1-stock set up will get you around the park, but even a #1 can have some places that will be hard on a stock set up.
2-Minimum of LS rear / 31" AT or MT / 4wd / 2" lift
3-Minimum of one locker / 33"+ AT or MT / 4wd / 2-4" lift / Rock sliders, skid plates preferred as there is a chance of undercarriage damage
4-Rear locker, front locker helps greatly / 33"-35"+ / 4wd / 4-6" lift / Good axle droop / Rock sliders, skid plates / high chance of body-undercarriage damage
5-Front & Rear locked / 6"+ lift / tons of articulation / full under body & roll cage protection, 5 point seat harness / 36"+ MT / winch / Will take on body damage / Lots of HP / Psycho attitude / Trailer to get your broken rig home / Doubtful We will be doing any of these trails...lol


Wheeling Fees:
1 day pass:* $20 per vehicle and driver $5 per passenger

2 day pass:* $35 per vehicle and driver $10 per passenger
(SAVE $5.00)
3 day pass:* $45 per vehicle and driver $15 per passenger
(SAVE $15)

Spectator/Hanging out at the park all day
$5 dollars per person per day.

Tent Camping Including Pop Ups:

* $7 per tent a night(up to 6 man tent) $15 per tent a night(7-14 man tent)
* Kids tents 12 yrs and under free

Electric Site RV Camping (These are long gravel drives with post fencing separating the sites. Do not have to have an RV. They have grass as well.)

* 1 night $20
* 2 night $35
* 3 night $50


Not much on camping? Hotel 6 miles from the park.
Ava Super 8‎
1711 South Jefferson, Ava, MO
(417) 683-1343‎

Directions to the Ranch....HWY 60 (goes across southern MO) to Seymour (east of Springfield). There is only a couple exits for this tiny town. They should all lead towards the center of town. Once your south of the RR tracks, you will wind your way thru the square and to HWY K. Take HWY K south 5 miles until you reach the park. It will be on the south side of HWY K and trust me, you wont miss it. Look for the signs, and the ranch style entrance.

Hope to see you there, tell a friend! :D

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Bump. Put me down as a maybe. Gonna have to see what's gonna happen with school before I commit.

Sounds like fun to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope my rig is done and this is scheduled the week I was going to Moab??? so if Moab doesnt happen I will make it to SMORR

Dreaming of making it one of these days.

Sorry guys but I'm out, no option to vote on dates?? and this week and weekend I will be forsure going to Moab and dropping off my old axles on the way that I sold.

SMORR is an awesome place, all that go will love it!!!!

Well since I didn't make it to SMORR in 2011, I am going to try and make it to this meet. I'll have to check the dates for finals but I think it should work out.

Not sure if we'd do any wheeling (new explorer has 1 l/s and 31" tires) but we might take the weekend to camp, hang out and enjoy the bonfire.

...hopefully its not as ridiculously wet/cold as it was last year...

I'm afraid that I won't be able to make it this year. I got my class schedule and the run is the weekend before finals. :(

Toss me in the maybes I have some stuff goin on ;) but gonna try real hard this year!

Move me over to the attending pile! Locked in and ready to SMORR.

You know I'll have a couple passengers come along for the party!

Back on the Maybe list, will know forsure by Thursday. Pending my truck selling, which I should know tommorow.

You know I'll have a couple passengers come along for the party!

Will the calico cat be making an appearance?

I'll go ahead and move into the attending category.

I will know tommorow, if I'm a forsure. But looking like 99% since I have allready been paid for my truck, just pending pickup tommorow.

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