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5.0 swap transmission help

I know that tthere is already a ton of info available on a 5.0 swap into a first gen explorer, but one piece of information I haven't been able to find is regarding a manual 5 speed tranny. My explorer is a 5 speed, if I wanted to put in a 5.0 what would my options be. I think I would like to still have a manual.

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Um I think an SM465? (old with a sweet granny gear) could be wrong on the name or a WC T-5 from a mustang...

I'm sure there are a few others

The manual transmission/4wd is a tricky game.

The most popular is the WC T5, from a mustang. You will need to convert the mustang's cable operated clutch to hydraulic, as well as purchase a new output shaft and 4wd tailsgaft housing. Pros: they shift nice, are plentiful. Cons: they only handle about 300ft-lbs of torque. The stock X v8 puts out 285.

F150/Bronco M50D - a big brother to the transmission in the v6 explorers. Pros: came behind 5.0s, come with hyraulic clutch, come with 4wd tailshafts. The bolt to F150 t-cases. Cons: the f150 t-cases are too big for the X frame... no one seems to use them in swaps - i still haven't found out why.

Older 4 speeds..... yea... no OD. would be awesome as a trail only rig.

There is always the MONSTER NV4500... :)

Here's a tid bit of info for yall
My buddy has a 72 Bronco he is rebuilding, It has a C4-D20 combo stock.......... Now with a 3" body lift there was enough room for his C6-NP205 combo but we had some difficulty building a new cross member so he scraped the BL and put the C4-D20 back in :(
Now several companys offer a kit to install the ZF-5speed into a EB and use the D20 (FYI its a all gear driven T-case) stock case..... If you have never seen a D20 its ummm..... small...... like 2 loaves of bread kinda small :eek: and a ZF-5speed can be found in every thing from 1/2ton's to F250 diesels.
Low gearing a standard 302 bellhousing and a 6bolt circle tail housing that can be adapted to fit almost any T-case on the face of the planet....... what more can you need?????

So if the WC T5 can only take up to 300 pounds of torque what do mustang owners who mod their stangs to over 300 pounds do?

Originally posted by V8BoatBuilder
Cons: they only handle about 300ft-lbs of torque. The stock X v8 puts out 285.

From all my websurfing of stang sites and what not shows they'll take more than that... Most mags I see run it around 330... and if ya aint gettin on it all the time, you'd be fine. I was gonna run my wct-5 behind my mildly build 302... till I went auto! :p

So if the WC T5 can only take up to 300 pounds of torque what do mustang owners who mod their stangs to over 300 pounds do?
Upgrade to a tremec or full race modified tranny, but these get pricey and you would have to run a divorced t-case. I think some people find it hard to understand that a T5 will hold up to a 350hp 2200LB stang but when you run a 5000LB Xplorer pushing over 300HP that little T5 is gonna be seeing stresses that it was never designed to.

Originally posted by Hotweels
Upgrade to a tremec or full race modified tranny, but these get pricey and you would have to run a divorced t-case. I think some people find it hard to understand that a T5 will hold up to a 350hp 2200LB stang but when you run a 5000LB Xplorer pushing over 300HP that little T5 is gonna be seeing stresses that it was never designed to.

Well too bad I took mine out, I guess we wouldn't have seen how long it woulda lasted

I've heard about the ZF transmission... but haven't been able to find out much about it. Any good websites about them, and swapping them into vehicles?

The only info i can find is that they are used in late 80's to early 90's ford pickups and are a medium duty 5speed gvw blah blah blah
www.bcbroncos.com has some info and advance adapters may also have some........ just hit google or dogpile and start searching.
