5 Speed Eddie Bauers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5 Speed Eddie Bauers?


Well-Known Member
June 13, 2012
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Northwest Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Sport Trac 4x4
Planning a bit ahead for when I redo the entire interior into the EB prarie tan color and convert my 4R70W into a floor shifted setup.

My question is, did Ford ever make a 5 speed manual second gen Eddie Bauer?

This would give me a nice factory location for the floor shifter to go through, without cutting up an auto EB console. Message center doesn't matter whether it's there or not.

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No. The XL/XLS were the only Explorer's available with a 5spd manual.

Ok, thanks. Looks like I'm gonna need to cut one up then.

Did they make second gens with a full console and a 5 speed? I thought I've seen some, but maybe not.

Ok, thanks. Looks like I'm gonna need to cut one up then.

The access panel is still in the floor for the shifter to pass through. There is an M5R2 (maybe from the 4.9?) that will bolt into place. There is a thread somewhere around here that someone just did this swap but I can't find it right now.

The shifter will pass through the area where the pockets/message center is located and you'll have to cut up the ducting going to the rear vents.

I've seen one passed through a long console as Todd said- the twin pockets were cut out, and a boot replaced them with a shifter coming through. It's possible, just need to be creative. :)

The access panel is still in the floor for the shifter to pass through. There is an M5R2 (maybe from the 4.9?) that will bolt into place. There is a thread somewhere around here that someone just did this swap but I can't find it right now.

The shifter will pass through the area where the pockets/message center is located and you'll have to cut up the ducting going to the rear vents.

You're thinking 4.2l m5od-r2 from a 97+ f150. That's the one that will put the shifter in the same location as a stock v6 5 speed truck.

I've seen one passed through a long console as Todd said- the twin pockets were cut out, and a boot replaced them with a shifter coming through. It's possible, just need to be creative. :)

It works out really well with those pockets and with a boot it looks factory. I plan to install a long console in my first gen for this reason.

You're thinking 4.2l m5od-r2 from a 97+ f150. That's the one that will put the shifter in the same location as a stock v6 5 speed truck.

Perfect. I couldn't remember which one as the shifter locations were placed differently.

So... did you remember that you need also the clutch pedal?

I'm doing a floor shifted 4R70W. Most likely going to go with an Art Carr shifter, or a Lokar. I would like to use a B&M truck megashifter but those don't work with the AODE/4R70W transmissions.


Look at the European 2nd gens, they had floor shifters.


Look at the European 2nd gens, they had floor shifters.

They're very similar to the Taurus shifter only oriented in the opposite direction. Could be a viable option easily obtained in NA.
